What are the symptoms of a head-cold

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “What are the symptoms of a head-cold”,you can compare them.

The three most frequent symptoms of a cold are nasal stuffiness, sneezing, and runny nose. ChaCha again! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-the-symptoms-of-a-head%26%2345%3Bcold ]
More Answers to “What are the symptoms of a head-cold
What are the symptoms of a head cold?
the symptoms of a head cold is stuffed up nose head ache and being tired
How to Depress The Symptoms of a Head Cold
・ 1 At the first sign of sinus pressure take 1-2 ibuprofen (Advil or Motrin) as needed every 4-6 hours… ・ 2 To dry up a drippy nose use an OTC allergy medication such as Benedryl. Again 1-2 pills every hour… ・ 3 Vicks and a heating pad …
Can nasal rinses prevent or reduce a head cold and/or flu symptom…?
Saline rinses, in the very earliest stages of a head cold and/or flu, may reduce the incidence and duration of symptoms of the sinus and nasal infection.

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A: They affect the blood circulation and brain impulses so in various ppl side effects are similar to what your describing.If your concerned then seek medical opinion as in some cases can lead to heart attack at the worst if on blood thinning medication , side effects are common tho.♥
What are the symptoms of a head cold?
Q: what are the symptoms of a head cold?my head hurts everytime i cough
A: runny or stuffy nose is the big one.
What is the best thing in the UK to take for head cold symptoms.?
Q: Preferably over the counter drug reccommendations I can take whilst at work. Doesnt matter if they make me drousy.
A: You have my sympathy, I have been suffering with a bad head cold since Tuesday last week, I found Paracetamol helped with the high temperature/shivering, and I have been taking mentholated cough mixture (Asda do a good one for about 86p) and have just been blowing my nose frequently and sucking Halls extra strong mentholated sweets. There isn’t much else you can do, your anti-bodies have to fight the virus. Hope you feel better soon.
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