What are the symptoms of a collapsed lung

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “What are the symptoms of a collapsed lung”,you can compare them.

Collapsed lung symptoms: Sharp, stabbing chest pain that worsens on breathing or with deep inspiration.This is referred to…more? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-the-symptoms-of-a-collapsed-lung ]
More Answers to “What are the symptoms of a collapsed lung
What are the symptoms of Collapsed lung?
Symptoms of Collapsed lung: see symptoms of Collapsed lung
What are signs and symptoms of pneumothorax?
Pneumothorax Symptoms. Symptoms of Pneumothorax could include pain, anxiety, fatigue, shortness of breath, weakness, and chest tightness…
What is a collapsed lung?
Collapsed lung is a term used to refer to pneumothorax, a potentially life-threatening condition. A pneumothorax happens when air enters the space between your rib cage and one of your lungs. The air causes part or all of the lung to collap…

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Do I have a collapsed lung?
Q: Ok well just yesterday I started feeling this kind of pain like kinda where my left lug is but it kinda feels like a bone, idk though I can’t really tell though. I looked up symptoms for collapsed lung symptoms and the only one I could have is sharp pain but it’s not really all that sharp though. I can only feel it when I breathe in big like take really big breathes. I’m doubtful it’s a collapsed lung but I don’t know I want you guys to be the judge.
A: I doubt it too …
How long can someone go with a collapsed lung?
Q: I’m worried I may have a collapsed left lung but don’t show but one symptom for it. ( and that symptom isn’t full blown). I’m just wondering if someone has a collapsed lung how long can they go and can it heal by itself?STOP SPAMMING MY QUESTIONS I REPORT EVERYBODY THAT SPAMS MY QUESTIONS!!!!!!!!!!1
A: You may have a spontaneous pneumothorax. Go to the ER Now!!! My son has these and the last one almost killed him as his left lung collapsed from the side and rested on his heart. He almost died. Don’t be stupid. Go to www.spontaneouspneumothoraxl.org. or www.blebdisease.org
A patient is diagnosed with a collapsed lung?
Q: A patient is diagnosed with a collapsed lung. He has only one lung functioning properly. Other than chest pain and difficulty breathing, what symptoms would you expect the patient to have considering he is not getting efficient gas exchange?
A: Assuming you have a complete collapse of one lung … and the other lung functioning properly …Symptoms for Spontaneous Pneumothorax#1 most common … chest pain that can be dull, sharp, or stabbing. The pain starts suddenly and becomes worse with coughing or deep breathing.Other symptoms include shortness of breath, rapid breathing, and a cough.The symptoms of TRAUMATIC pneumothorax are similar to those of spontaneous pneumothorax, but they are more severe.The symptoms of TENSION pneumothorax tend to be severe with sudden onset (beginning). They include anxiety, swollen neck veins, weak pulse, and decreased breathing sounds from the lung.
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