What are the risks to piercing your own lip

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Risks of piercing your own lip are infection because you don’t have an autoclave for sterilization & improper placement & angle. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-the-risks-to-piercing-your-own-lip ]
More Answers to “What are the risks to piercing your own lip
What are the risks of piercing your own lip?
The risks of piercing your own lip include infection (highly probable since you cannot sterilize your own needle or jewelry without having an autoclave) and improper placement and angle. Placement and angle is very important because if it’s…
What are the risks concerned with getting a lip piercing??
Not a particularly painful piercing. Don’t worry about the vein thing, any decent piercer will check for veins first. And even if they do hit something, they’re won’t be much blood, there are no major arteries in your lip to worry about. Bi…
Is the risk of infection with lip piercings high? How long does i…?
ohkay i know this isn’t an answer but its an important question. um i got my lip pierced 2 days ago and i think its infected. i’ve been following advice and soaking it in warm salt water & it seems to be working but i want to know how l…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What are the risks of piercing your own lip?
Q: What are the risks of piercing your own lip? What are ways that I can avoid/minimize the risks? Also, I only have access to a regular sewing needle to pierce with… will that be a problem?
A: The risks of piercing your own lip include infection (highly probable since you cannot sterilize your own needle or jewelry without having an autoclave) and improper placement and angle.Placement and angle is very important because if it’s done incorrectly, then you can cause yourself severe gum and tooth damage (and quite possibly excessive bleeding and swelling, if not a horrible placement in general aesthetically).A sewing needle is also not an appropriate tool to pierce with. It’s not nearly as sharp as it appears and will actually tear through the tissue, rather than cut it cleanly through. It is also far too small for an appropriate piercing size (substandard sized jewelry can also tear completely out, like a cheesecutter, if it gets hung up on teeth or forks). There’s also no room to place the jewelry either inside of or up against the piercing to move it into place without forcing tissue outwards or aside (both causing further trauma to the piercing).Save up the cash and go to a professional. You’ll have a far better experience overall and your piercing will be done correctly with better placement and an appropriate angle on the piercing.
What are the risks of piercing you own lip other than infection.?
Q: Im thinking about doing it myself
A: You risk scarring, doing it incorrectly, and possibly damaging your lip or ripping it. Ick. Get it done professionally.[Plus if you do it yourself, your lip will be HUGE for like two weeks. My friend did that and regrets it.]
Are there any risks in piercing your own tragus?
Q: I’ve seen recently people using a normal piercing gun to do this in the local market. Was just thinking with some gloves and a clean needle (and in a clean room) I could do this just like I did all of my other piercings, was just really wanting to know if there are any veins or stuff to watch out for.If so, how much would it normally cost to get both done by a pro in the UK? I’ve done my own nose, lip, ear cartridge and lobe, so not squeemish about it really, just wondering if I need to watch for anything other then infection lol
A: Self-piercing has sparked more debates than perhaps any other issue having to do with body piercing. Those who condemn self-piercing are adamant that the safety and health of those being pierced are at much greater risk when self-piercing is done. On the other side of the debate, there are those who note that modern-day piercing was essentially started by a group of people who did self-piercings, and that most people who are now professional piercers were once doing, and may be continuing to do, their own self-piercing. These same people note that the danger of self-piercing is not the act itself, but that the nature of it lends itself, unfortunately, to impulsive, unsanitary piercings. If you are adamant about wanting to pierce yourself, you should keep a few things in mind:Never, ever do a self-piercing impulsively or while intoxicated or using a controlled substance. Plan ahead and have a meal and be well-rested before proceeding Always use sterilized, individually wrapped piercing needles Be sure that you have piercing jewelry that is properly sterilized and has been sealed as well Never, ever use a piercing gun Visit a site like www.bmezine.com, where you can find valuable information on self-piercing, including guidelines and support for any questions you might have. Self-piercing is a choice that should be made only if you are doing so for intensely personal reasons that, to you, make it worth the higher risk of infection that comes with not going to a professional piercing studio. But once you make that choice to go with self-piercing, do it the best way possible by acting responsibly and doing it properly
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