What are the most common boxing injuries

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Besides minor injuries, head and brain injuries are the most common injuries that boxers face. ChaCha on! Ouch! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-the-most-common-boxing-injuries ]
More Answers to “What are the most common boxing injuries
What injuries are common in amateur boxing?
You wear head gear in amatuer boxing (actually all female boxers wear head gear). The injuries you have listed are very rare. More common injuries are: Wrist Injuries Hand Injuries (injuries to your fingers and joints) Ankle injuries (silly…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What injuries are common in amateur boxing?
Q: I’m going to start boxing soon, and I was wondering what injuries are common. The things I’m most concerned about are:Commas ConcussionsBlack Eyes (probably common, right?)Broken Bonesstuff like that. Any help here, or tips for a new boxer?And i’m a girl. (and DON’T say girls can’t box, please.)Nice answer James B! Hell Yeah girls can box!
A: You wear head gear in amatuer boxing (actually all female boxers wear head gear).The injuries you have listed are very rare.More common injuries are:Wrist InjuriesHand Injuries (injuries to your fingers and joints)Ankle injuries (silly, yes, but in amatuers you see a lot of spained ankles)you will have more issues with injuries during training than you will in a fight.And heII ya, girls can box
Treating typical injuries?
Q: Do you have any tips for treating common boxing injuries like minor cuts and swollen lips, besides the obvious solution of cleaning it thoroughly?
A: I put ice on a swollen lip and for cuts i put lotion on them to make them softer so you can continue training without them breaking open.
Is a broken nose really as common in boxing as people make it out to be?
Q: i do amateur boxing and people always tell me my face is going to be messed up for life. i think they are just trying to scare me. i know there are injuries like any other sport but people just make it out to be like im insane to box.
A: Boxing is one of the better sports, You may get a broken nose but try to protect it as much as you can. The hole idea is protect your self and take out your aponant. GOOD LUCK!!! Maybe we will be seeing you on T V when you turn pro.
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