What are the main symptoms of a stroke

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The first signs of a stroke are sudden numbness or weakness of the face, arm or leg. Sudden confusion or trouble thinking, MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-the-main-symptoms-of-a-stroke ]
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A: why do you want to know stop worrying,i dont and i,ve had three.
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A: Many patients are going to have no warning symptoms at all. Even angina only tells the patient that they have iscaemic heart disease, not that they are teetering on the brink of a myocardial infarction. Also many patients with TIAs do not go on to have strokes and many patients who have a stroke have never had a TIA.
If someone suffers a stroke and then a second stroke within 3 days, what are his chances of a full recovery?
Q: My dad suffered a mild stroke on Friday with the CT scan results showing yes he had a stroke. His symptoms were confusion, imbalance and his main complaint of pain was his head, especially across the back of his eyes. With his second stroke today, he has signs of disorientation, he can only speak Yes or No and nothing else and his balance is out of whack because he couldn’t hold a glass of water.
A: The riskiest time after a stroke is within the first month, during which is when the likelihood of more strokes is the highest.It seems your dad’s first stroke may have “extended”, which means the new lesion is another from the same spot where the other one happened.In order to determine prognosis, one needs to know the size of the lesion and its location in the brain.The problem with holding the water glass is likely due to hemiplegia (weakness due to cortical stroke) and not balance problems. Check with the nurse before giving your dad anything by mouth, as stroke patients frequently have swallowing problems that aren’t obvious to the untrained eye.Ask the doctor to order speech, occupational, and physical therapies.
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