What are the effects of a yeast infection

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The most common symptom of a vaginal yeast infection is itching in the vaginal and/or vulvar area. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-the-effects-of-a-yeast-infection ]
More Answers to “What are the effects of a yeast infection
What are the effects of a yeast infection?
Leaving a yeast infection untreated can increase the severity of the symptoms that you already have. You may also be increasing your chances of developing chronic yeast infections. It’s not a good idea to go untreated as everyone is differe…
What effects does a yeast infection have on pregnancy??
You need to tell the doctor if you do not feel like it fully took care of the problem, that way it can be taken care of.
Are there any side effects? candida yeast infections and vaginal …?
There are no harmful side effects. We do, however, suggest starting out with low dosages, gradually increasing over a period of a week or two. If you begin to experience tiredness, slight nausea or mild flu-like symptoms, cut back on the am…

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What effects does a yeast infection have on pregnancy?
Q: I’m four months pregnant, and recently my doctor diagnosed me with a yeast infection. I took the medicine exactly like I was told, but I think it didn’t fully take care of the problem. What effects does a yeast infection have on the pregnancy?
A: You need to tell the doctor if you do not feel like it fully took care of the problem, that way it can be taken care of.
How long until Yeast Infection Actually effects your Reproductive System?
Q: Me and my sister were looking online and we think we both have it because all the symptoms are correct. How long can you have it until it actually effects your reproductive system?Please Help! We are scared. We are only 13 and 14. 🙁
A: yeast infection wont affect your reproductoive system!go to the chemist or doctors and get tablets and cream,this is common!dont worry about itgoodluckx
What are the effects of a yeast infection?
Q: And what would happen if treatment was prolonged?I mean, if you get a yeast infection but do nothing about it.
A: Leaving a yeast infection untreated can increase the severity of the symptoms that you already have. You may also be increasing your chances of developing chronic yeast infections. It’s not a good idea to go untreated as everyone is different and some people experience the severity of the symptoms far worse than others.In extreme cases, you could develop sepsis (toxicity of the blood.) Although that is a rare situation, it is not a good idea to leave your health to chance.I eat yogurt at least 3 times a week, yogurt helps prevent yeast infections from occurring, it, also, prevents the yeast infections that often follow antibiotic treatment, however, eating yogurt will not cure a yeast infection. I haven’t had a yeast infection in years because of eating yogurt..hopefully you like the taste of yogurt, its truly a miracle food..If you have any other questions regarding yeast infections, I’ll help you with an answer.
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