What are the causes of hemroids

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Factors that might cause hemorrhoids include:Straining during bowel movements,Sitting for long periods of time on the toilet MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-the-causes-of-hemroids ]
More Answers to “What are the causes of hemroids
What are the causes of hemroids?
Hemroids are caused by increased pressure inside the anorectal veins causing their enlargement. This can occur due to a variety of causes: Excessive straining during bowel movements as in constipation. Prolonged sitting on the toilet. Prega…
Can you get hemorrhoids from sex??
Hemorrhoids Risk Factors. This condition is very common, especially during pregnancy and after childbirth. Hemorrhoids result from increased pressure in the veins of the anus. The pressure causes the veins to bulge and expand, making them p…
Is metemucil worth taking if you have servere constipation that c…?
NO! Trust me, you DO NOT want to add more fiber it will just make your constipation worse. I have been living with Crohns Disease for 15 years and if you are constipated you need a stool softener, not a laxative, just a stool softener. Fibe…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

is metemucil worth taking if you have servere constipation that causes hemroids?
Q: will it cause diarrhea?
A: NO! Trust me, you DO NOT want to add more fiber it will just make your constipation worse. I have been living with Crohns Disease for 15 years and if you are constipated you need a stool softener, not a laxative, just a stool softener. Fiber will just add bulk to your system which you DO NOT need. Start by taking the stool softener 3 tablets a day for one or two days and then see what happens. It will cause loose stools, but after not being able to go for a week or two you will feel Relief. From the Dulcolax website “Dulcolax® Stool Softener also provides particular comfort for those people suffering from hemorrhoids. “
What causes Hemroids?
Q: What are the common causes of Hemroids? Can someone let me know a good Hemroids Guide online from where I can get every useful information regarding Hemroids?
A: Hemroids can be caused by many reasons; unorganized lifestyle or bad eating habits primarily are the main causes of hemroids.Lifestyle related causes•Lack of physical exercise. •Prolonged sitting sessions, especially at the work place. •Strenuous work, especially where lifting heavy loads are involved. Causes based on eating habits•Too much “greasy” or fatty food. •Lack of fibrous foods in the diet. •Non-adherence to proper meal times. •Lack of fruits and enough vegetables in the diet. •Relying on fast foods. More you can find in a Hemroids website http://www.hemroids.info which I think would be helpful to you.
Can Hemroids cause mucus in the stool, dark read blood coming out of the bowel?
Q: constipation and swollen glands in your armpits and glands under your neck and feeling unwell? As I had a colonoscopy on monday this week, and to my suprise it did not reviel bowel cancer. And all my symptoms have gone, and my stools have gone back to normal, and no more bleeding after my runs anymore, as after I would run I would come back and bleed a lot of dark red blood from my bowel. So can Hemroids cause all of these. I heard that mucus in the stools is not from hemroids, then where is it from?
A: But Leanne….. you told us that your doctor did diagnose bowel cancer!!!Oh i forgot god cured you didn’t he!!hahahahahaTo answer your question, so much mucous and shit comes out of your mouth that it is just being overloaded…so now it is coming out you ass!
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