What are the bumps on the back of my tongue

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The bumps on the back on the tongue are called circumvallate papillae. They very from eight to twelve in number. ChaCha on! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-the-bumps-on-the-back-of-my-tongue ]
More Answers to “What are the bumps on the back of my tongue
What are these bumps at the back of my tongue ?
Trust me- I really don’t want to frighten you but every unexplained red or white area or lumps on the tongue- especially if painless- may be signs of lung cancer and should be definitely examined by a doctor or dentist. Don’t get me wrong- …
I have a large bump on the very back of my tongue. What could it …?
I would immediately go to see your doctor or dentist. We can get lumps and bumps in our mouths, just as we would get them anywhere else on our bodies, and it doesn’t mean anything terribley sinister is going on. But you do need to get it ch…
Can marijuana cause bumps on the back of your tongue??
Pot can cause all sorts of problems, the irritation from the smoke could cause this sort of symptom. It is however, important to know that your tongue has natural bumps in the back which are larger than the bumps in the front, even though t…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What are these bumps on the back of my tongue?
Q: I am having some white coating on my tongue and bumps on the back of my tongue. They are like blisters. It seemed to come about after brushing my tongue with my toothbrush. I also have been sick taking antibiotics. Any help?
A: could be strep throat, or an infection in your body and it is coming out on your tongue, ask your dr. he/she can tell you more
Red bumps on tongue in back of mouth?
Q: I wake up in the morning and have tight jaws. There seems to be pain on the right side of my tongue in the back when I chew. I noticed red bumps on the back of my tongue when I look in the mirror. Sometimes it is hard for me to swallow. What could this be?I also spit blood when brushing my teeth.Will this also produce difficulty swallowing?
A: What you are describing sounds like transient lingual papillitis (TLP), better known as “lie bumps” on the tongue. TLP is a harmless, but annoying, problem. This condition is limited to the upper (dorsal) surface of the tongue, affecting some of the tiny bumps on the tongue known as the fungiform papillae. Fungiform papillae are the normal little bumps on the top of the tongue that people call “taste buds.” These bumps can become notably red or white and are quite tender for one to several days. While the cause of TLP is not known with certainty, most experts feel that local accidental trauma (rubbing, scraping or biting) is a major factor; however, contact reactions to things like certain foods have also been suggested. In the southern United States, these have sometimes been referred to as “lie bumps” – supposedly the person who gets one of these has recently told a lie, and this is their punishment! Most people, when their tongue is irritated, can’t seem to keep from rubbing it against the teeth to make it feel better (sort of like scratching an itch); however, this usually makes things worse. Over-the-counter medications such as OraBase or Zilactin can be applied. These materials act like a bandage and help to protect the ulcerated surface of the fungiform papilla. Lie bumps are not contagious and the discomfort is relatively minor. Typically these lesions heal within a few days with no treatment. If they do not, then you should be seen by an oral pathologist.
Are little bumps on the back of my tongue normal?
Q: I’ve always had these little bumps on the back of tongue and they have never been sore so I’ve never thought anything of them.But recently I’ve had a sore throat and one of my tonsils has been enlarged so I asked a mate to take a look and he freaked out when he saw these little bumps on my tongue as he doesn’t have them.Should I get them checked out by the doctor? Or are they normal?Cheers.
A: Yes, they are normal, I too freaked out after I had a tonsillectomy and had a better view of the back of my throat, I thought I had some disease, but everyone has them, some people have them further back than others.
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