What are the best ways to get rid of acne

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To get rid of acne: wash gently 2x/day, use a benzoyl peroxide treatment, get enough sleep and eat plenty of fruit and veg. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-the-best-ways-to-get-rid-of-acne ]
More Answers to “What are the best ways to get rid of acne
What are the best ways to get rid of acne?
I’ve been in that situation and there is really nothing you can do about it. There are things you can do to try to reduce the blemishes and get rid of acne temporarily but you will always be finding yourself cleaning your face or your bod…
What is the best way to get rid of acne?
Short Answer: Naturally! Acne in general is getting worse for people each year. More and more teens are suffering from acne, and it has a lot to do with the changing world that we live in. Increased demands, increased pollution and toxins i…
How to The Best Way to Get Rid of Acne
・ 1 Keeping it cleansed from your face dowm to your toes. Finding a good cleanser that your body likes… ・ 2 Exfoliating is good when you need to get rid of the dead skin and dirt that clogs your pores, dont… ・ 3 Always mositurize your f…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

best way to get rid of acne?
Q: hey i’m a 9th grade boy, and of course as you all know i have acne. not too serious but enough to be abnoxious! i have persistent blackheads and whiteheads right under both eyes in the areas right next to the nostrils! any way to effectively and permanently get rid of them? also i have just the normal red acne bumps just lightly sprinkled over my face, any advice?
A: Mix some lemon juice and rose water in a small bowl and apply it on your pimples, ONLY YOUR PIMPLES, over night. It will burn a little. When you wake up in the morning, your pimples will reduce. Photo therapy or blue-light therapy is an increasingly common form of treating facial or body acne. It uses light that interact with peripheries in skin bacteria to reduce bacteria production and rectify acne. Many dermatologists use this form of treatment in a clinic setting, but it can be costly and time consuming. Health Canada recently approved a new product that has the same therapeutic effect, but it can be administered by the individual. Get plenty of sleep! They don’t call it “beauty-sleep” for nothing! Dab garlic juice on emerging and mature pimples Treat acne with benzoyl peroxide that is available in your local stores Disguise a pimple with eye-redness relieve eye drops by applying to a Q-tip and hold on pimple for about 10-15 seconds. TC…
What are the best ways to get rid of acne for that “late night date”?
Q: Well, the late night date was an expression, but what are quick ways to get rid of acne, or the black little dots that they leave when you pop them? (what are those called anyways? Blackheads?)
A: Exactly, their called blackheads..grrrrrrr i hate those, their so stuburn. I use Cleasil. Its fast. it cleans deep down into your pores. it cleans better than soap and it wont dry or breakout your skin like other products or face wash. it also doesnt make your face cracky.= ]♥
what are the best ways to get rid of acne and prevent it for future?
Q: i just need some good ways to get rid of acne and prevent it for the future without having to pay lots of money. but you could recomend some good face cream stuff if you want but it would have to be a mens product cos i am a man.thanks
A: After years of trying almost every acne product in the drug store, this is what works for me:1. Gentle Face Wash (ex: Cetaphil)2. 2.5% Benzoyle Peroxide (ex: Oxy): kills the bacteria on your skin.3. Gentle Moisturizer (ex: Neutrogena for sensitive skin): moisturizes your skin so it wouldn’t look dry and flaky from using benzoyle peroxide.Use these products twice a day for 2 weeks. If your skin doesn’t start to clear up by then, then you should see a dermatologist because you may have a severe form of acne that needs medication or it could be another skin condition.Good Luck!
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