What are symptoms of insulin resistance

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When your cells are exposed to insulin at all, they get a little bit more resistant to it. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-symptoms-of-insulin-resistance ]
More Answers to “What are symptoms of insulin resistance
Insulin resistance typically causes no symptoms in sufferers. If severe, you may begin to notice some of the following symptoms: acne weight gain, especially around the mid-section high blood pressure carbohydrate and sugar cravings dark pa…
There are no outward physical signs of insulin resistance. A glucose tolerance test, during which insulin and blood glucose is measured, can help determine if someone is insulin resistant. Many people who are insulin resistant produce large…
Symptoms of Insulin Resistance depends on the cause. There are many causes. Hypogonadism and hypothyroidism may result in insulin resistance, for example. The symptoms would then be related to those conditions. Common signs include darkenin…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What are the symptoms for insulin resistance?
A: In my case, and many others, there were no noticeable symptoms.
Symptoms of Insulin Resistance & PCOS?
Q: I was told that I have PCOS and will be having further testing done (labs) to see if this is accurate. Can anyone tell me some SYMPTOMS that they had in terms of Insulin Resistance?
A: missed periods, abnormal facial hair growth on chin, weight gain and hard time loosing weight, acne, darker hair on the arms. Make sure you have your thyroid checked too. Look into something called syndrom X.Some women suffer more sever symptoms than others. But the symptoms are easily googled.These things usually can be controled naturaly, threw diet depending on how sever your symptoms and syndrom is. Weight loss is the # 1 thing that needs to be done to help ease PCOS symptoms. Insulin Resistance causes PCOS. PCOS can go away or pretty much disappear if you get your insulin resistance under control.
What is insulin resistance? What are the symptoms?
A: I am a insulin resistance type 1 diabetic. I need to take mega doses of insulin to get a decent reading on the monitor. It all means that I get ALL the side affects of the insulin AND the diabetes too like blindness, kidney failure & dialysis, heart attacks and a very short life! When the insulin does decide to work it really works! sending me into the lowest of lows. Coma time! The symptoms are needing to much insulin to control your diabetes. This is mostly done in the hospital for about 7-8 days They control everything to find out if you are just over eating or not exercising or it truely is insulin resistance. Sometimes its just the insulin itself You can ask/tell your doctor to switch it for one month at a time. If its not insulin resistance stop trying to find short cuts there aren’t any either you live with it or you die from it. You chose.Good Luck…..
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