What are symptoms of blood clots

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Symptoms of blood clots depend on where clots form. Symptoms of a blood clot in the lungs, for example, may include chest pain. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-symptoms-of-blood-clots ]
More Answers to “What are symptoms of blood clots
blood clot; grume
Venous clots do not allow blood to return to the heart and symptoms occur because of this damming effect. Most often occurring in the legs or the arms, symptoms include: ・ swelling, warmth, redness, and pain. ・ Pain is the initial symptom o…
Blood clots (or phlebitis) can present as red tender lines on the legs or they can develop silently and grow extensively in the deep veins of the leg before being discovered. They are suspected by the physician when there is swelling or pai…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What are the tests and symptoms for blood clots?
Q: My boyfriend has recently been experiencing pain, redness, and slight swelling in his foot and ankle. Both his dad and his brother have suffered from blood clots. What tests can he have done to see if that is what is causing his problems? Also, do these sound like DVT symptoms?
A: It’s possible he has a clot he might just have an infection needs to be seen for it soon. If it is a clot and not treated it could break and travel to other parts of the body like the lungs heart or brain. My brother is in a hospital right now he had a blood clot in his leg but his did not get red or swell just alot of pain in his leg. the test they do are ultra sound it will show if he has a clot. Good Luck
What are the symptoms of blood clots?
Q: I am curious because I’m taking medicine that could cause it.I’m 23, 5’7, 123 ibsI’m 23, 5’7, 123 ibs
A: Usually pain at the spot, extreme pain, and throbbing in the area, mayce some changes in heartbeat or rhythm
What are the symptoms of a blood clot in the leg?
Q: I am taking Yaz birth control and have begun getting a sharp stinging pain that comes intermittently in my calf. I know there is an increased risk of blood clots with taking Yaz, and am looking to find out symptoms of blood clots in the legs. If anyone has any experience or info, I’d appreciate it. Thanks!
A: Concentrated pain in the legs , blue areas or spots , loss of sensation , brown patches reduce life threatening blood clots in the legs = Stretching = increased oxygenated nourishing blood flow to the extremities The key is to increase blood flow to the problem area; fresh nourished blood has vital oxygen and energy that aides to eliminate the pain and heal the body The only way to get reinforcements inside our highly complex human body is through the Circulatory systems that provide vital source needed for all life — which is oxygen and the carrier being blood. Unfortunately the blood through your arteries is not like free flowing water through a plumbing System — the blood needs to be pushed into the remote areas and the impure blood needs to be Pumped back against gravity to the heart for oxygenation. Due to lack of activity or stress or sedentary / busy life style Stretching is not occurring and there is a blood traffic jam in the pipes (thereby increasing free radicals in the impure blood #1 aging accelerator ) and blood circulation weakens which causes several chronic ailments like Back pain , stress, fatigue , depression , lethargy , aging , early wrinkles , low immunity etc… The only way to fix this is by stretching and widening the circulatory pipes this can be done by using a new smash hit stretching tool that is so simple and yet phenomenally effective .Visit www.standonme.com valuable benefits of stretching can be found herehttp://www.standonme.com/benefits_of_Stretching.aspx for long term and pain free and a healthy circulatory system Benefits of this new exciting product are : Light weightInexpensive – low-priced big valuePortable Simple to useMinimal storage 0 moving parts 0 Assembly0 Maintenanceuse it to stretch at home office airport bus stand anywhere just stand on it! and stretch away 100% naturalNot a pill Safe and effective Promotes fast healing and quick recoveryMakes you good all over while keeping you inspired for a healthy long pain free life And most important it works Save your self 100ds of dollars on gym equipment membership fees that you don’t use while this simple tool can make sure you are fit motivated and healthier than ever before.Happy stretching! “We are what we repeatedly do”Aristotle
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