What are symptoms of blood clots in the legs

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Leg Blood Clot Symptoms: Swelling, Gradual onset of pain, Redness, Warm to touch, Worsening leg pain when bending the foot, Leg cramps, especially at night, Bluish or whitish discoloration of skin. ChaCha again! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-symptoms-of-blood-clots-in-the-legs ]
More Answers to “What are symptoms of blood clots in the legs
What are the symptoms of a blood clot in the leg?
What Are the Signs and Symptoms of Deep Vein Thrombosis? The signs and symptoms of deep vein thrombosis (DVT) may be related to DVT itself or to pulmonary embolism (PE). See your doctor right away if you have symptoms of either. Both DVT a…
How do you know when you have a blood clot in your leg??
You probably have a VERY deep bruise and may have damaged some of the tissue or perhaps “bruised” the bone itself… However, if you are having pain just sitting around, it is better to be safe than sorry. I know you don’t want to…
Do I have symptoms of a blood clot in my leg??
it could be a small blood clot or else a muscle tissue tear or even a charlie horse if it keeps acting up you should see a doctor but the best thing to do for right now is try and move it alot keep the circulation going thats the real way t…

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what are some of the symptoms when you have blood clots on your legs?
Q: My legs started to hurt more specially at night time or early mornings before getting up. I massage them and i can feel some bumps on my calves and they go away after the massage.But they come back by the next time i take the time to give myself a massage. Im 24 and Ive been on the birth control pill for about 4 years now – not consecutively- I stopped taking it to have a baby and im on it again now.Other than that Im very healthy
A: Blood clot symptoms depend very much on where the blood clot is located. Generally speaking, however, symptoms may include redness, pain or numbness, throbbing, a burning sensation and inflammation at the location of the clot. The trouble with blood clots is that they can travel to the brain causing a stroke. Alternatively, they can travel to the heart spurring a heart attack, or they can travel to the lungs causing pulmonary embolism. These are all extremely serious conditions that require emergency medical care. But, prior to suffering these serious, potential results of a blood clot, you may or may not have symptoms.One type of blood clot that is usually symptomatic is a clot that occurs in the leg. The affected leg might swell, get red, and feel tender or warm. Blood clot symptoms in the leg can also include difficulty standing on the affected leg, and shooting pains that may reach the foot. The calves may ache in a dull way when you walk. Since this type of blood clot can move, it is a considerable risk and must be treated immediately by a doctor.
what are symptoms of blood clots in the legs?
A: Deep-vein thrombosis, also known as deep-venous thrombosis or DVT, is the formation of a blood clot (“thrombus”) in a deep vein. It commonly affects the leg veins, such as the femoral vein or the popliteal vein or the deep veins of the pelvis. Occasionally the veins of the arm are affected (known as Paget-Schrötter disease). Thrombophlebitis is the more general class of pathologies of this kind.Signs and symptomsThere may be no symptoms referrable to the location of the DVT, but the classical symptoms of DVT include pain, swelling and redness of the leg and dilatation of the surface veins. In up to 25% of all hospitalised patients, there may be some form of DVT, which often remains clinically inapparent (unless pulmonary embolism develops).There are several techniques during physical examination to increase the detection of DVT. These include measuring the circumference of the affected and the contralateral limb at a fixed point (to objectivate edema), and palpating the venous tract, which is often tender. Physical examination is unreliable for excluding the diagnosis of deep vein thrombosis.A careful history has to be taken considering risk factors (see below), including the use of the oral contraceptive pill, recent long-haul flying, a history of miscarriage (which is a feature of several disorders that can also cause thrombosis). A family history can reveal a hereditary factor in the development of DVT.It is vital that the possibility of pulmonary embolism is included in the history, as this may warrant further investigation (see pulmonary embolism).
What are the symptoms of a blood clot in your legs?
Q: I just started birth control and I have been having leg pains, its in both legs, but at times it hurts really bad for like 2-3 minutes. I have started running agian and I hadnt stretched either, but im still worried, could I have a blood clot. Please Help!!! Im 19 and Im healthy never had any other problems, but im still scared!!!
A: First, calm down.Second, call your doctor and explain everything.Third, having been through DVT’s (deep vein thromboses… blood clots in the legs) due to a genetic condition and having to constantly be on guard, I suspect that you do not have clots in your legs.You will typically get a clot in one leg or the other. The pain will also tend to stay with you and get worse; it wouldn’t hurt for a few minutes and then go away. Finally, you’re a runner (and hadn’t stretched), so chances are it’s more muscular.Top signs and symptoms are: tightness of the skin of the calf, redness, pain and/or swelling. In my case, I could not even rest my leg down. Any pressure on the calf was excruciating, and having my leg below waist-level caused horrible pain. Of course, I had 6 clots at the time, so my case was a bit extreme. Even so, your chances are quite low.Regardless, please don’t use an online forum for medical advice and GO SEE A MEDICAL PROFESSIONAL! Chances are it’s not a blood clot, but you will need a doppler scan to rule it out. Better to be safe than sorry. Keep in mind that there are hundreds of thousands of people on the birth control pill… who are also smokers AND obese AND who have other risk factors for clotting who still don’t get clots. Chances are: you’ll be fine.Call your doctor anyway; don’t play around with your life.
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