What are symptoms for a sinus infection

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Common symptoms of sinus infection are headache, facial tenderness or pain, cloudy or discolored nasal drainage, a cough…MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-symptoms-for-a-sinus-infection ]
More Answers to “What are symptoms for a sinus infection
Acute sinusitis: 1. Ethmoid sinusitis (behind the eyes)・ a. Nasal congestion with discharge or postnasal drip (mucus drips down the throat behind the nose) ・ b. Pain or pressure around the inner corner of the eye or down one side of the no…
Symptoms of a sinus infection include the following: Thick, yellow, foul-smelling nasal discharge Pressure or pain around the face and eyes Headache (generally in the forehead area) Nasal obstruction Congestion Post-nasal drip A cold that w…
headache , facial tenderness or pain, and fever. However, as few as 25% of patients may have fever associated with acute sinus infection. Other common symptoms include cloudy, discolored nasal drainage, a feeling of nasal stuffiness, a sore…

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Q: For two days I have had these symptoms,sneezing,runny nose (clean snot) but alot of it.fatigueno feveroff balance, kinda dizzysinus pain and pressure top and bottom of eyesitchy earsno appitite.Should I give it a few days or go see a doctor now?I have been on sutafed (spelling?) for two days and no improvement.
A: take sudefed and see how you are in a few days
Sinus infection what was your symptoms?
Q: Sinus infection what was all your symptoms?Sinus infection what was your symptoms?I currently have a sinus infection but experiencing a lot of different symptoms and was worried if this is normal.what was your symptoms????please don’t just Google this, i want to know peoples PERSONAL experiences with this infection.thanks for your help.xx
A: I can only speak for my son. His symptoms were a feeling of pressurein the facial area, hurt to move eyeballs, pain when bending over,soreness when chewing (felt like sore upper teeth/molars)nose not stuffy but there was green and yellow discharge, fever and aches and headache caused by fever, loss of appetite and tiredness, swollen glands in neck. I feel sorry for you! Take your antibiotics and don’t stop when you feel better– take ALL the antibiotics. Drink lots of warm liquids. Take hot steamy showers. Also a mucus thinner (such as guaifinisen), and ibuprofin for the pain and feverGet well soon 🙂
Is there any possible natural cure or alleviation for sinus infection symptoms?
A: For sure would be my short answer but before you look for the cure you first need to recognize what the most common sinus infection symptoms are. For example did you know that seeing double (not after drinking) can be a sinus infection symptom. So my advice would be the following. First find out if you really have sinusitis or maybe just some kind of allergy.Obviously if you have an allergy then treating for sinusitis will not work.Then when you have established that you actually do have sinus infection symptoms then find the right treatment. For a great natural resource to combat sinus infection symptoms visit http://mysinusinfectionsymptoms.weebly.com/
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