What are some ways to get rid of hickeys

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A hickey is a bruise, and like all bruises it’s just not going to go away immediately. Thanks for using ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-some-ways-to-get-rid-of-hickeys ]
More Answers to “What are some ways to get rid of hickeys
Is there any ways to get rid of hickeys?
I hickey is a bruise. I usually cover it up with makeup or rub it out with a comb. http://www.wikihow.com/Remove-a-Hickey hope it helps
What are some good ways to get rid of hickeys?
put a spoon in the freezer for a few hours then put it on the hickey. also try putting aloe on it. those help really weelll
Are there any fast ways to get rid of hickeys?
the way you can get rid of them is take 3-5 spoons and put it in the freeze and let it seat it in there for about 2day and make a day that you know he is coming over put them in a time so they will be ice cool then put them on the place of …

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what are some ways of getting rid of hickeys?
Q: i was hanging out with my boyfriend today and he gave me like 3 hickeys without even knowing it.. what are some ways to make them go away? thanks alot.. SoOn tO bE mOMmY xx.
A: shouldnt you be more concerned about this? : http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=At8G3C7RQgJhRuy5v2Fkv6Dsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20090505114600AAC4ca0obviously if your boyfriend refuses to be there for your kid you have more to worry about than hickeys. and if your PREGNANT i think hickeys can take a back seat.
what are some ways to get rid of hickeys?
Q: My boyfriend gave me multiple hickeys, on my neck and chest… What are some tricks to get rid of them. Or atleast make them less dark? I have school/work Monday. Please help!
A: Put some hot water on it, use a lipstick cap or some kind of cap and twist the cap on your skin. Then put cold water on it and repeat the process.
What are some good ways to get rid of hickeys?
Q: Besides covering it with make up because i already did that.
A: put a spoon in the freezer for a few hours then put it on the hickey. also try putting aloe on it. those help really weelll
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