What are some symptoms of a mouth infection

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “What are some symptoms of a mouth infection”,you can compare them.

Symptoms of Trench mouth include a greyish film on the gums, and a foul taste in the mouth. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-some-symptoms-of-a-mouth-infection ]
More Answers to “What are some symptoms of a mouth infection
What are the symptoms of gum/mouth infection – HealthBoards Messa…?
They will tell you the cure is cutting, scraping , planing and burning. Probably works, at least for awhile. I chose a more time-consuming, bloodless, cheaper method but there are few takers. Why did I? Because I didn’t want him scraping…

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Can anyone analyze these symptoms? (Mouth and tooth pains, possible infection)?
Q: Anytime the windows are open, or any wind is present, my molars and entire back part of the jaw hurt. I took some antibiotics to treat this, and if I drink anything cold, the pain comes back. Is this an infection, or is this a lower nerve problem? Someone else in the house is beginning to develop the same symptoms, mostly headaches and pain in the back teeth.
A: I had similar symptoms and it ended up being that i needed a root canal. If you experience sensitivy to hot drinks and cold drinks and wind, you may need a root canal. It could also just be sensitivity in your teeth that is caused by eating lots of veggies and high citrus fruits.(especially lemon) It may be a nerve problem but the other problems are more likely. Go straight to your doctor. If you do have a cavity, go fast before you will need a root canal. Hope that helped!!!!!! 😀
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Q: So, since about july ive been having middle back pains, they hurt sooo bad, but my doctor said it was just back strain, but they haven’t gone away, and now i have a metallic taste in my mouth with the same back pains, and ive been bloating easily. Kidney infectoion? Or something else?Help?
A: Go get a second opinion! Right away.
Is pressure on the roof of my mouth constantly a symptom of a sinus infection?
Q: Has anyone had this as part of their sinus infection, and for how long?
A: Generally, any sinus congestion can create pressure on the roof of the mouth. A general rule of thumb for sinus infection diagnosis: Blow your nose. If your snot is greenish-yellowish, you probably have a sinus infection. If it’s clear, no infection.
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