What are some symptoms of a cold

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “What are some symptoms of a cold”,you can compare them.

Symptoms of the common cold include nasal stuffiness or drainage, sore or scratchy throat, sneezing, hoarseness, cough, and MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-some-symptoms-of-a-cold ]
More Answers to “What are some symptoms of a cold
symtoms of common cold by dr.vimal md common cold is caused by a virus know as acute viral nasophyginitus. The main symtoms of cold are: ・ 1. running nose ・ 2. head ache ・ 3. triedness ・ 4. wet eye ・ 5. sneezing ・ 6. indigestion
If you have a cold, you can have any or all of these symptoms: increased nasal discharge (a runny nose), difficulty breathing through the nose, sneezing, a scratchy throat, and cough. The ability to taste and to smell may be affected, hoars…
One to three days after catching a cold virus, symptoms begin suddenly. They start with a burning feeling in the nose or throat. Next comes sneezing, a runny nose, and the feeling of being tired and unwell. For the first few days, your nose…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What are some good ways to releive cold symptoms?
Q: Any advice at all would be awesome.For this cold, my symptoms are mainly a sore throat, and a really runny and clogged nose.Specifically, though, I would love to find a way to unclog my nose, at least for the night.I just really want to be able to sleep.
A: A decongestant will help your nose drain and not be quite so stuffy. I would suggest taking Claritin D or Alavert D, both have an antihistamine and a decongestant and do help with cold symptoms. The sore throat can be helped with cough drops or Chlorasceptic (sp?) spray that deadens the pain. You could also use a nasal spray like Afrin or Sinex, but if used too much, can actually cause your nose to get stuffier, so use only when you absolutely need to. You can also put a humidifier in the room, that will help with congestion.
What are some good ways to ease the symptoms of the common cold?
Q: My fiance and I have that lovely common cold– fever, stuffed and runny noses, and sore throats. It’s annyoing more than anything, not too severe, but all the dust blowing around makes it pretty miserable. So do you guys have anything that can ease the symptoms a bit? And don’t suggest a doctor lol– we only go the the doc for things that are life-threatening 🙂
A: It’s incredibly cliche to say “drink plenty of fluids and get plenty of rest and eat chicken noodle soup”, but it’s become cliche because it works, so do it.For your stuffed nose, use VapoRub. I know, it’s sticky and it doesn’t feel good, but it will make you feel better, it will unclog your nose. Another thing I have tried is eating hot sauce out of the bottle (with no food)- that may help ease your congestion. A steamy shower while breathing in through the nose should also help your congestion.With the weather changing, make sure you are wearing appropriate apparel- sweater or light jacket- so your cold doesn’t get worse. Make sure you’re disposing of your used tissues and washing your hands frequently, so you don’t spread your germs. Also, once you get well, you don’t want to re-infect each other.For the sore throat, drink some hot tea and use cough drops (ricola ones are great- they’re “vocal gold”)- drinking orange juice should help, too.You say you don’t want to go to the doctor, just make sure that if you’re not feeling better in a couple of days that you get checked. Also, if you have a chronic health condition, make sure you check with your doctor to make sure that any over-the-counter medicines you’re taking won’t cause a complication.
What are some quick and easy way to get rid of cold like symptoms?
Q: I have sneezing, itchy throat, and itchy eyes. I do have allergies but I feel like I have a cold. I have plans this weekend and I don’t want to feel like this. What would help? Please don’t say green tea, i hate it, or medicine.the reason why i saw no medicine because I want to try some natural ways instead of relying on medicine.
A: this one works for me:hot water with a drop of honey and some lemon juice.
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