What are some signs of having herpes

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The most common sign of herpes is red, sensitive skin that develops sores or blisters (often referred to as herpes bumps). ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-some-signs-of-having-herpes ]
More Answers to “What are some signs of having herpes
What are signs of having herpes?
Signs of herpes tend to develop within 3-7 days of skin-to-skin contact with an infected person. Herpes infections look like small blisters or ulcers (round areas of broken skin) on the genitals. Each blister or ulcer is typically only 1-3 …
What Are Signs of Herpes?
Herpes is an infection that settles deep within the nerve ganglia, where it lies dormant most of the time. It is caused by HSV, or herpes simplex virus, and it is incurable due to its dormancy…
Can you contract herpes from making out with someone who doesn’t …?
You can still have herpes from someone that does not have a current breakout, the chances are just less than when they do have a break out. It is very easily to get herpes from making out cause your mouth is already dirty enough as it is, a…

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What are some signs of herpes?
Q: i recently had sex with ym boyfriend for the first time and he was a virgin and so was i. but a couple days later i was still sore and it didnt seem right, then i had some realllyy bad pains when i was peeing. im afraid i might have herpes because there was a sore present too. im currently on antibiotics for what we thought was a bladder infection.. but im thinkin its worse???
A: Genital herpes symptoms can vary greatly from person to person. Most people never have any symptoms or ones that are so mild they may not recognize them, although some people develop painful and bothersome symptoms.The primary outbreak of genital herpes tends to last longer and be more severe than subsequent (recurrent) outbreaks. Symptoms of a primary outbreak may include: * Flulike symptoms, such as fever, headache, and muscle aches. These symptoms usually get better within a week. * Tingling, burning, itching, and redness at the site where an outbreak is about to occur (prodrome). * Painful, itchy blisters on the penis, on the vulva, or inside the vagina. Blisters may also appear on the anus, buttocks, thighs, or scrotum, either alone or in clusters. They may be barely noticeable or as large as a coin. * Blisters that break and become shallow, painful, oozing sores. * Swollen and tender lymph nodes in the groin. * Painful urination. * Abnormal vaginal or urethral discharge.Occasionally a person will experience symptoms months or even years after being infected, making it very difficult to identify the sex partner who was the source of the infection.
How long do signs of herpes take to appear?
Q: a friend by accident shared a drink with someone who has herpes in throat, can she gain herpes by that? how long will it take to show signs of herpes?she let a friend take a sip from her water bottle and didn’t know her friend had that. She finished the water in the bottle. Please give good answers, she is worried. She had no cold sores and she is virgin.
A: She can if she shared a drink with some one that gets cold sores (can be caused by oral herpes). But she would have to take a drink with in seconds of the other person taking a drink. There would be a better chance if she kissed the person while they had an out break of cold sores. Cold sores are often invisible, one could have an out break a long time a go then never have one again.Any type of herpes usually takes between 2-14 days to show symptoms, but it could take longer then that because your immune system can suppress the virus for months even years after contracting it.Virgins can get cold sores too, all it takes is to kiss some one that has cold sores. You don’t have to have sex to get cold sores.
What are signs that my herpes is healing?
Q: I believe that I have herpes but today one area that was pretty bad yesterday isn’t quite as red and sore than it was. The area is kind of hard, like when you have a cut and it heals into a scab. What are some signs that it could be healing?
A: Like it was mentioned above, genital herpes 1 and 2 (HSV-1, HSV-2) can be transmitted when you have no symptoms at all. One study showed that 70% of all herpes transmissions appeared to occur from sexual contact when the person was asymptomatic (showed no symptoms)[1]. It is called asymptomatic viral shedding. This means you can tranmsit herpes ANYTIME, not just with outbreaks.Condom use reduces transmission of genital HSV-2 from infected men to women by 50% and may reduce transmission from infected women to men to a smilar degree[2] However, condom effectiveness is greatly limited by non-use and may also be limited because of the location of lesions and the risk of transmission from oral-genital sex.Anyone with genital herpes……(1 or 2, yes you can get type 1 as a genital infection….in some countries the main type of genital herpes infection has been found to be type 1, eg. Norway[3])……should abstain from sex from the beginning of the ‘prodromal’ symptoms (a few minutes or several days before lesions appear you may experience localized burning, itching (most common), tingling, or a vague discomfort). From the onset of these symptoms until the lesions have COMPLETELY healed meaning your skin is completely clear.I would suggest that you consider daily anti-viral therapy (valacyclovir, 500mg). It has been shown to reduce transmission to a susceptible heterosexual partner by 48%, and the effect of condoms and suppressive valacyclovir may be additive [4]. It reduces recurrent lesions, asymptomatic viral shedding, and transmission.
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