What are some remedies for canker sores

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Abreva works great for canker sores. If you are looking for home remedies try rinsing your mouth with salt water and baking soda. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-some-remedies-for-canker-sores ]
More Answers to “What are some remedies for canker sores
What are some home remedies for canker sores?
put some household table salt in a glass of warm water and swish it around your mouth. it will hurt like hell but trust me it makes things so much better faster. also try some abreva after you swish with the salt and water. hope this helps.
How to Use Home Remedies to Treat Canker Sores
・ 1 Apply a wet black tea bag to the canker sore and leave it on for a few minutes. The tannic acid in… ・ 2 Dilute 1 tbsp. of hydrogen peroxide with a glass of water and swish it around in your mouth like a… ・ 3 Take 1 tbsp. of Mylanta …
Can You Tell Me Of Any Canker Sore Remedies
I have suffered with mouth ulcers all my life. I have tried many home remedies, over-the-counter cures, and a few prescriptions. Eating one kiwi cures my canker sores as fast as the prescription steroid cream, and the kiwi doesn’t come with…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What are some remedies for canker sores?
Q: Lately I keep biting my cheek. Now I have two canker sores and bit the crap out of my tongue so now I can barely talk it hurts too much.I have to talk crystal clear at work tomorrow so I’m looking for anything that can help heal these as quick as possible.I know to use salt but I swear it never works for me.Thank you so so much!do numbing creams really help relieve their discomfort? if so what are some really good brands?
A: Canker Covers!! You can get them at Walgreen’s 6 covers for 10 dollars. Best $10 I ever spent. I has such a bad and painful canker sore on my tongue I thought I was going to have to go to the dentist to get it removed. But I heard about these and with one cover it was almost gone. I hope it works for you too!
What are some home remedies for canker sores?
Q: I ended up biting my lip and it has since turned into a big ol canker sore that is very painful..I’ve been using chloraseptic spray for the pain but I want it to go away…any ideas would be helpful…thanks!
A: put some household table salt in a glass of warm water and swish it around your mouth. it will hurt like hell but trust me it makes things so much better faster. also try some abreva after you swish with the salt and water. hope this helps.
What are some home remedies for canker sores? Anything for the pain?
A: There are medications you can take orally, however I recommend a mouth wash called Peroxyl. It helps them to heal faster by cleaning any bad bacteria that settles in the area. The few times I have had them, it neutralized the pain. If you go to a dentist they will have stuff to put on the area. Typically they will apply it. The stuff they have may help it to heal faster also.
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