What are some pressure points that relieve a headache

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Some pressure points to help relieve a headache are the temples, in between the eyebrows, at the top middle of forehead, more? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-some-pressure-points-that-relieve-a-headache ]
More Answers to “What are some pressure points that relieve a headache
Why do i get headaches mostly everyday im only 15?
Headache. A headache is pain or discomfort in the head, scalp, or neck. Serious causes of headaches are extremely rare.
How to Relieve a Headache with Pressure Points
・ 1 Place both thumbs on the back of your head. Feel for the gaps under the base of your skull where it… ・ 2 Find the meaty part of your hand just above the webbing between the thumb and index finger. Squeeze… ・ 3 Move to the top of you…
How to Use Pressure Points for Headache Relief
A headache can come on strong and out of nowhere or progress through the day. Once the head starts to pound and throb, try these simple steps before going to the medicine cabinet.

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are pressure points real?
Q: are they? Ive heard certain pressure points can relieve nausea and headaches and there is a stlye of martial arts where you can kill someone!
A: Yes they are real. My ex is a cop and he showed me all the pressure points they teach in Police Academy and boy, do they hurt! If you chop someone on the side of their neck with the side of your hand and hit them just right, you can kill them. So don’t do that. The little pocket at the bottom of your neck in front is a one- push in and down really hard- you’ll feel it. There’s one on the side of your thigh. That one hurts. But I can’t do it right- my ex did it just right every time and hurt me (gently of course)!
Headache relief?
Q: I have one of the worst headaches I’ve ever had! Honestly! I’ve had one migraine before in my life and this is coming close. I woke up this morning at 1:00 with a pain in the back of my neck. All day long, my neck has been hurting. Now the pain is coming up the back of my head and over my eyes. I am at a computer all day, but, I don’t think that’s what it is. We did recently add a second monitor, so, maybe my eyes haven’t adjusted to having to look at two 20″ monitors now instead of one. Anyway, I have taken Tylenol and Aleeve. Any suggestions??? Pressure points? I don’t know where the pressure points are to relieve headaches. Anyone have any headache relief techniques?
A: One thing that may help is sitting/laying down with your eyes closed and concentrating on breathing steadily and relaxing every possible muscle.
Is there a pressure point that will get rid of a headache?
Q: I get migraines, are there any pressure points you can press on that will relieve the pain?
A: Headache Relief Pressure pointsThe base of the skull.Using your thumbs, gently massage points, located on your temples. You are supposed to barely touch the skin, the purpose of this part is to relax the patient. Perform the massage. Do it for 20-60 seconds (all the pressure points in this routine can be massaged for some minimal time, however, you can increase it, if it feels right. Also it should be noticed, that while massaging points on, say, front side of the head, you are pushing it back. And to resist this pressure, the person has to use his neck muscles, which, especially when this person has a headache, is not a good thing. To handle this problem, you can hold the person’s head, so that your middle fingers push against the pressure points, while your thumbs are supporting the head from the back (this works if you are giving massage to yourself. If you are doing it on other person, you can press the points with your thumbs, while supporting the head with the palms. Using tips of your pointing or middle fingers, massage the points located near the inside ends of eyebrows. These points (as well as all other points in this routine, except for the first pair) should be massaged with strong, circular motions, the pressure has to be (almost) as strong as the patient can tolerateDraw imaginary line from the outer sides of your eyes upMid -central of the forehead. There are more additional info on the below site: http://ask.yahoo.com/20010130.html
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