What are some other symptoms

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Other symptoms could include, change in bowel habits diarrhea constipation and blood in the stool. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-some-other-symptoms ]
More Answers to “What are some other symptoms
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A: I guess it depends on what specific symptoms you are referring to. Itch ,irritation, and a burning sensation can have multiple causes. Yeast is fairly easy to confirm by vaginal swab and culture as well as the type of discharge…. usually a curdled discharge is indicative of yeast but there may not be much of a discharge and would only be seen by a physician using a speculum on exam. As far as itch, irritation and burning, make sure of your personal habits are not adding to the problem or are the real cause being blamed on yeast.1. Do not use perfumed agents on the skin or anywheres near the groin because what you may be experiencing is in actuality an allergic reaction to those agents.2. Do not use Bounch or other fabric softeners on underware for the same reason.3. If you have very hard water or a water softener, not all the soap may be removed in the rinse cycle of the wash. When the machine stops, turn it all the way over to rinse again and add a full cup of white (clear) vinegar to the water. It is an acid and will neutralize base soaps and allow them to be removed easily from clothing. Otherwise a single drop of urine or vaginal moisture release onto the fabric will re-activate the soaps and then migration to the soft tissue causing more itching and irritation.4. Don’t wear tight clothing that would cause mechanical irritation from walking especially if you are overweight which will accentuate the mechanical irritation.5. Use a good sterile personal lubricant again without fragrance or gental warming gels. Use this every time for sex to prevent mechanical irritation from the get go.KEEP it simple so that what you do does not cloud the waters and cause their own harm. 6. Never use mineral oil or vaseline as a lubricant. It is actually a petroleum distallate and for some people is just as irritating as using gasoline. (plus the fact is may dissolve latex)7. Make sure you do not have an allergy to latex if hopefully you are using condoms. 8. Spermicidal jellies can also be a source for irritation If one type is causing a problem, ask for a different formula that hopefully is not as irritating.9. Make sure your bf takes a shower before sex especially if he is not circumcised and no condom is used. Mechanical irritation to rough up a soft tissue surface followed a smear of foreign bacteria from under a foreskin or from poor hygiene on his part can cause you to suffer. It always amazes me how many men use a public restroom, pee and never wash their hands. If that is a standard of behavior, it follows that other health habits can be poor.10. Take a shower not a bath but if you must take baths, limit them to once a day and less than 10 minutes. Long term soaking in the tub can remove the body’s own lubrication from vaginal tissue and expose the nerve endings in the tissue causing itch and burning.11. Avoid bubble baths for the same reason. If you disturb the natural barrier of mucous and the upper epithelial lining of these tissues, when you urinate, the salty urine will draw fluid from the lower tissue layers causeing an immediate burning sensation that will last until what remains on the labia is diluted by your own moisture.12. when wiping the area, use a non-sented toilet paper and pat… do not rub13. After a shower,use a hair dryer and dry the pubic area before getting dressed. A lot of moisture will cling to the hair and activate soaps,dyes and fragrances before you even start your day.14. Do not use scented tampons and change more frequently.These are the mechanical and allergy preventing steps you can take to maintain good genital health and prevent irritation and burning that mimick yeast infections. Most also work for men to avoid jock itch and allergies. It is just more prevalent in women due to exposed mucosal membranes of the labia. Hope that helps
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A: Breast cancer can occur in the ducts, or lobules in the breast and on the skin of the breast. Typically if breast cancer forms in the ducts or lobules, there will be a lump that you can physically feel when you examine your breasts. Other symptoms to look for would be a change in the skin on your breast, a puckering of the nipple, or nipple discharge. Breastcancer.org has some good information…
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