What are signs of kidney stones

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “What are signs of kidney stones”,you can compare them.

Most common sign of a kidney stoneis an intense, colicky pain that may fluctuate in intensity over periods of five to 15 minutes. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-signs-of-kidney-stones ]
More Answers to “What are signs of kidney stones
What are the signs of kidney stones?
My dad has had ongoing issues with kidney stones for months now. I would say the closest he has come to describing it is severe pain in his lower back (similar to menstrual cramps, except worse). His get so bad that he’s made several trips …
What is the side effects of kidney stones?
Kidney Stones Symptoms. Symptoms of Kidney Stones could include pain, back pain, abdominal pain, low back pain, blood in urine, and flank pain…
What are kidney stones?
Dogs, just like humans, naturally have minerals in their bodies, such as calcium, magnesium, ammonia or phosphorus. Where there is too much of these mineral salts in the urine, they are filtered out through the kidneys. Because it can be di…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What are the signs of kidney failure and Kidney stones?
Q: and what causes them?
A: Kidney failure is a condition where the kidneys do not function as they should. It can range from mild to severe. Symptoms of kidney failure include anemia, hypertension, headaches, bone and joint problems, lower back pain, foamy or bloody urine, fatigue, and loss of appetite. The most common causes of chronic kidney failure include diabetes mellitus, chronic inflammation of the kidneys’ glomeruli (glomerulonephritis), hypertension (high blood pressure), kidney cancer, kidney stones, kidney reflux, systemic lupus erythematosus, and sickle-cell anemia. For more info. visit http://www.comprehensive-kidney-facts.com/what-is-renal-failure.htmlKidney stones are solid accumulation of chemical deposits that are formed inside the urinary tract. If the stones are small there may not be any symptoms. They simply pass out in the urine. If, however, they are large enough to cause blockage in the urinary tract, they can cause symptoms such as blood in the urine, severe pain, nausea and vomiting, frequent and painful urination, blood or pus in the urine, and fever and chills. Causes of kidney stones include poor diet, dehydration, obesity, hereditary genetic disorder, metabolic disorders, and a deficiency of magnesium and potassium. For more info. on kidney stones, visit http://www.comprehensive-kidney-facts.com/kidney-stones.html
what are the signs of kidney stones?
Q: ?
A: My dad has had ongoing issues with kidney stones for months now. I would say the closest he has come to describing it is severe pain in his lower back (similar to menstrual cramps, except worse). His get so bad that he’s made several trips to the ER where they’ll give him some pain meds to take the edge off. Also, they can make urinating painful.
What are signs of Kidney stones, Kidney failure?
A: Common symptoms of kidney stones are a sharp stinging or stabbing pain in your lower back.Passing blood is another symptom.Drinking a lot of water helps for the pain.If you suffer from kidney stones you could try to dissolve them and flush them out with cranberry juice or some other means that you can find in a web search for “kidney stones” + dissolve.
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