What are signs of having ovarian cysts

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Some possible symptoms of ovarian cysts are: menstrual irregularities, pelvic pain that is a constant or intermittent dull MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-signs-of-having-ovarian-cysts ]
More Answers to “What are signs of having ovarian cysts
What are the signs of having Ovarian Cysts?
Symptoms of ovarian cysts: * pressure, swelling, or pain in the abdomen * pelvic pain * dull ache in the lower back and thighs * problems passing urine completely * pain during sex * weight gain * pain during your period * abnormal bleeding…
Could these be signs of endometriosis, or ovarian cysts??
It sounds like a cyst. I have one of those now and they are pesty litlte buggers. I hvent had a period in 3 months and I keep feeling like I’m going to start and then nothing comes. As you know, most of the cyst comes from a hormonal imbala…
Could Late Periods Be One of the Signs of Ovarian Cysts??
If your periods have always been fairly regular then any changes will trigger questions as to why your body isn’t working properly. Irregular periods can be causes many different conditions but a common question is could late periods be one…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What are the signs of having Ovarian Cysts?
Q: if someone could give me all the details behind ovarian cysts that would be great.what are all the signs and things to look for?can it be hereditary?can it give you false positive pregnancy test and/or messed up and erratic menstral bleeding?
A: Symptoms of ovarian cysts: * pressure, swelling, or pain in the abdomen * pelvic pain * dull ache in the lower back and thighs * problems passing urine completely * pain during sex * weight gain * pain during your period * abnormal bleeding * nausea or vomiting * breast tendernessPoly Cystic Ovarian Disorder can be hereditary, check with other women on both sides of your family if they’ve had trouble with their menses. Check with your doctor about this.
Could late periods be a sign of ovarian cysts?
Q: My period has always been very regular, however for the past 6 months or so, it will be on time one month and late the next month. I’ve noticed a pattern of being late every other month. I used to get scared and think I was pregnant but now I’m thinking it may be something else like ovarian cysts since my mom has had them. Could late periods be a sign of ovarian cysts?
A: Irregular periods are… Late periods also can be a sign. But you need to get examine by a doctor (may be ultrasound) in order to know this for sure.According to my prof and the text book we use here at University of Calgary (Canada), symptoms as follows:1. Do you have a severe, sudden, and sharp pain or discomfort in the lower abdomen?2. Do you get pains around your abdomen, during or shortly after beginning or end of menstrual period?3. Do you have irregular periods all the time? (check for 3-4 months)4. Have you noticed a sudden weight gain?5. Is it difficult to pee (urination)?6. Do you bleed abnormally close to period or after the period?7. Breasts feel heavy or seems to be changing in tenderness fast?8. Do you have to shave your legs and other parts of the body where you have hair more often than you used to?If yes… then I am about 98% sure you have a ovarian cyst. But please see a doctor to get a good grip on what’s really going on.All the best!
Signs of Ovarian Cysts?
Q: My mom had cysts on her overies and I think I may have one. What are the signs?
A: Typically, ovarian cysts are functional (not disease related) and occur as a normal process of ovulation. During the days before ovulation, a follicle grows. But at the time of expected ovulation, the follicle fails to break open and release an egg, as it is supposed to. Instead, the fluid within the follicle remains and forms a cyst.Functional, or physiological, ovarian cysts usually disappear within 8-12 weeks without treatment. They are relatively common, and are more common during a woman’s childbearing years (puberty to menopause). Ovarian cysts are rare after menopause.Functional ovarian cysts are not the same as ovarian tumors (including ovarian cancer) or cysts due to hormone-related conditions such as polycystic ovarian disease. Some non-functional ovarian cysts must be treated to go away.An ovarian cyst can cause pain if it pushes on nearby structures, ruptures or bleeds. Pain may also occur if the cyst is twisted or causes twisting (torsion) of the fallopian tube. Symptoms of ovarian cysts can include:* Pelvic pain – constant, dull aching * Pain with intercourse or pelvic pain during movement * Pain during bowel movements * Pelvic pain shortly after beginning or ending a menstrual period * Abnormal uterine bleeding (change from normal menstrual pattern) * Longer than usual menstrual cycle * Shorter than usual menstrual cycle * Absent menstruation * Irregular menstruation * Abdominal bloating or swelling Often no symptoms are noted and ovarian cysts are found only be routine examinations. Usually birth control pills may be prescribed to help establish normal cycles and decrease the development of functional ovarian cysts.Simple ovarian cysts that are larger than 5-10 centimetres and complex ovarian cysts that persist should and will usually be surgically removed via laparoscopy (minimal invasive surgery).I would recommend that if you think you have an ovarian cyst that you consult with your doctor/gyno so they can do an ultrasound to have a look at your ovaries and you can ask them to answer any questions or concerns you may have.I have suffered from many bilateral ovarian cysts over the past 10 years and have surgery 2 times to have them removed (it wasn’t anything too serious).I hope this helps to answer your question. Good luck 🙂
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