What are shingles, and what are the symptoms

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Shingles is a viral infection that causes a painful rash. Its symptoms include: pain, burning, tingling, and numbness. More? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-shingles%2C-and-what-are-the-symptoms ]
More Answers to “What are shingles, and what are the symptoms
Shingles is a skin rash caused by the same virus that causes chickenpox. The herpes virus that causes shingles and chickenpox is not the same type of herpes that causes genital herpes. Most commonly it is accompanied by the following sympto…
Depending on the nerves involved, shingles can affect many parts of the body. The first symptom is often extreme sensitivity or pain in a broad band on one side of the body. The sensation can be itching, tingling, burning, constant aching, …
The eruption of an itchy and painful blistery rash on the torso (typically near the waistline, but not always), usually on one side of the body, is the most significant sign of shingles. Burning or tingling may precede the appearance of the…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How long do the symptoms of Shingles last?
Q: My mum had it over Christmas and she’s still not feeling like herself. She’s much better than she was but she feels washed out and exhausted and generally under the weather. Should it have cleared up by now?
A: At least 7-10 days up to a month
What is the full chronology of symptoms of shingles – from start to the very very end?
Q: Had them for over a month and now starting to get new blisters. I’m on Acylovir, etc. They have scabbed over and now just big red blotches but I’m getting new small blisters. Do es it scar? Will it ever GO AWAY! please
A: Prodromal stage (before the rash appears) * Pain, burning, tickling, tingling, or numbness develops in the area around the affected nerves several days before a rash begins. The discomfort occurs on a single side of the body, commonly on the chest or back, but it may occur on the abdomen, head, face, neck, or one arm or leg. * Flu-like symptoms (usually without a fever), such as chills, stomachache, or diarrhea, may develop just before or along with the start of the rash. * Swelling and tenderness of the lymph nodes may occur.Active stage (rash and blisters appear) * A rash consisting of small fluid-filled blisters develops on reddened skin on one side of your body. Fluid inside the blister is initially clear but may become cloudy after 3 to 4 days. * The rash may occur on the forehead, cheek, nose, and around one eye (herpes zoster ophthalmicusClick here to see an illustration.), which may threaten your sight unless you receive prompt treatment.3 * Extreme pain, described as �piercing needles in the skin,� may accompany the skin rash. * Blisters may break open, ooze, and crust over in about 5 days. Complete healing takes about 2 to 4 weeks, although some scars may remain.2Postherpetic neuralgia (chronic pain stage) * Postherpetic neuralgia is the most common complication of shingles. It lasts for at least 30 days and continues for months to years. Symptoms are:5 o Aching, burning, stabbing pain in the area of the earlier shingles rash. o Persistent pain that may linger for years. o Extreme sensitivity to the touch. * The pain associated with postherpetic neuralgia most commonly affects the forehead or chest, and it may make it difficult for the person to eat, sleep, and perform daily activities. It may also lead to depression.
What are the symptoms of Shingles? I have been working with a woman who has now got them, am i likely to get..
Q: them? Is it related to Chicken Pox? I have already had that. I have found 2 odd spots, one on my neck and one on my belly, both with black heads on them, i have never had these before.
A: It is related to the chicken pox virus, and tends to be in adults, but not always. I had chicken pox when I was a baby and then I got shingles when I was 11, so it isn´t restricted to adults only. It is contagious but generally only if you touch it. It looks like blisters rather than blackheads and you tend to get it in a rash rather than spots on their own. It is very itchy and very uncomfortable and not pleasant at all. Keep an eye on your spots, and see a doctor if you remain worried.
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