What are mucous membranes

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness Biology .We found some answers as below for this question “What are mucous membranes”,you can compare them.

The mucous membranes are linings of mostly endodermal origin, covered in epithelium, which are involved in absorption/secretion. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-mucous-membranes ]
More Answers to “What are mucous membranes
What are mucous membranes?
Mucus membranes line the nose and throat.Some creams ,such as Sudocream carry a warning not to get any on the mucus membranes,they mean the nose and mouth/throat.
What is normal mucosa?
Mucosa. Mucosa is moist tissue that lines some organs and body cavities throughout the body, including your nose, mouth, lungs, and digestive tract. Glands along the mucosa release mucus (a thick fluid…
Do mucous membranes have sebaceuous and sweat glands?
No , sebaceuous and sweat glands found only in the skin and no other area according to thier function as the sebaceuous gland produces an oily fluid to facilitate the exit of hair and keep it healthy and prevent skin from dryness. The sweat…

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A: I know it seems wrong but the answer is infact mucous… its funny because I’m working on my histology lab right now with the exact same question
Any tips on dealing with dry mucous membranes and dry skin in a very dry and hot climate?
Q: I have recently moved from the coast in California to Denver CO. It is much hotter and much dryer. The inside of my nose and my sinuses are extremely dry now, and ooze blood constantly. My skin is drying out as well. I am treating them naturopathically with limited success. I am looking for any tips, preferrably natural methods, on how others may have tackled this type of problem.
A: SUGAR FREE and SALT FREE hard candies. Both sugar and salt draw moisture. so anything sweet or salty will make your mouth feel even more dry.Also an old indian trick is to take a very small smooth pebble and plce it under your tongue. this will create saliva and help your mouth and throat stay moist. TRY NOT TO SWALLOW IT
How do you apply drops under your tongue so they are absorbed by mucous membranes?
Q: I’ve a liquid preparation to take with a large eyedropper. I’m to put it sublingually under my tongue so it will be absorbed, but I can’t seem to get it right. I end up swallowing most of it, or the dropper doesn’t empty fully. Do you have experience with such application, and can you tell me how to do it correctly?
A: I used to take a testosterone booster that was applied like that… I swallowed all spit and sprayed it under my tongue and just waited swishing it around under the tongue. Just don’t swallow it or tilt your head back too far.
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