What are kidney stones symptoms

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Kidney Stone Symptoms: Pain in the side and back, below the ribs, Fluctuations in pain intensity, with periods of pain. MORE! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-kidney-stones-symptoms ]
More Answers to “What are kidney stones symptoms
What are the symptoms of kidney stones?
The following are the most common symptoms of kidney stones. However, each individual may experience symptoms differently. Symptoms may include: extreme, sharp pain in the back or side that will not go away blood in the urine nausea and vom…
How to Spot Signs and Symptoms Kidney Stones
・ 1 Usually one of the first symptoms that you may have a kidney stone is lower back pain. It is a constant… ・ 2 Blood in the urine is a sign of a kidney stone. If it s interfering with urine movement it causes blood… ・ 3 A feeling of n…
How to Recognize Kidney Stone Symptoms |
How to Recognize Kidney Stone Symptoms. When kidney stone symptoms appear, they are not to be ignored. Anyone who has ever passed a kidney stone …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Kidney stones symptoms associated with chest pain?
Q: Hi all,i have had all the kidney stone symptoms. Have done scans and the doc said it is kidney stones only but recently i have chest pain too. i have not seen any stones being passed. Can anyone help me in diagnosing what this could be. When i spoke to my doc, he said i need to redo all the scans. have any of you experienced this kind of pain along with all the symptoms for kidney stones ?Plz reply soon
A: I have several kidney stones over the last three years and have had chest pain with one of the kidney stones. The kidney stone had started down through the ureter from the kidney and had stalled in the ureter. My right kidney actually ruptured from the building pressure. This caused chest pain, even going as far as causing pain up into my shoulder. It may be a good idea to let the doctor redo at least some of the scans, as it could be something as minor as anxiety from the pain to something worse. Good luck!
Symptoms of an inflamed appendix and symptoms for kidney stones?
Q: What are the symptoms of an inflamed appendix? What are the symptoms for kidney stones?
A: Appendicitis: lower abdominal pain, starting in the centre, typically then moving to the right side. associated rigidity in the abdominal wall, extreme tenderness, nausea, vomiting. Pain is constant in nature.Kidney stones: colicky (ie pulsating) pain in the flanks, right or left, possibly associated with blood in the urine. May progress to excruciating pain on urination if the stone becomes trapped in the urethra, or extreme lower abdomial pain if the stone is trapped at the entrance to the bladder.
What are the symptoms for kidney stones?
Q: I’m only 17 but i think i might have a kidney stone. Is this possible at my age and what are the symptoms? are there any foods i should avoid?
A: The symptom is severe, severe, severe pain. Like screaming in agony type pain. And yes even 17yo kids can suffer from them.
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