What are hickups caused by

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Sometimes the diaphragm becomes irritated. When this happens, it pulls down in a jerky way, which makes you suck air into (More?) [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-hickups-caused-by ]
More Answers to “What are hickups caused by
Does pepporoni cause hickups?
Hiccups are generally caused by eating quickly without liquid, even more so with things that absorb. I find a get them a lot when eating bread or rolls quick without liquid. Pepperonis can cause hiccups, it all depends on the person.
What causes hickups please tell meee?
Its caused by your diaphram vibrating. (From what i remember from school)
What causes ‘hickups’ ?
hiya,next time you get hick ups,just take a teaspoon of sugar,it stops it Straight away.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

If hickups are caused by diaphragm spasms, what causes the spasms?
A: Here goes:Hiccups are caused…1. spontaneously2. eating too quickly3. taking a cold drink while eating a hot meal4. eating very hot or spicy food5. laughing vigorously or coughing6. drinking an alcoholic beverage to excess7. electrolyte imbalance 8. pressure to the phrenic nerve by other anatomical structures9. tumors and certain kidney disease10. chemotherapyHiccups are mysterious, and are sometimes used to dislodge badly behaving food solids from the esophagus via the phrenic nerve. Some theories suggest that hiccuping was a natural remedy to this esophagus issue used to help our ancestors waaaay back. Also, hiccups can be used for respiratory exercises for fetuses.The hiccup mechanism is controlled by the phrenic nerve. All the reasons mentioned above act on the phrenic nerve to produce diaphragm contractions and thus produce hiccups.
Q: what is the cause of hickups?????? plss… and how to stop or prevent them??
A: Its the jerking of your diaphram (Still dont know how to spell that) that is what makes you hickup. But Im not quite sure why It does.
What causes hickups?
Q: My friend laken wants to know. Give you best answers.
A: a pocket of traped air in the bodies diaphragm caused by food or drink swallowed to fast.
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