What are effects of lactose intolerance

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One of the biggest concerns for people who are lactose-intolerant is making sure they get enough of the nutrients found in…More [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-effects-of-lactose-intolerance ]
More Answers to “What are effects of lactose intolerance
How to Treat Effects of Lactose Intolerance
・ 1 Get some friendly probiotics to help treat the effects of lactose intolerance. Probiotics are living… ・ 2 Eat yogurt. Yes, yogurt. Yogurt is high in lactose; however, it is also high in probiotics. Not only… ・ 3 Purchase lactase enz…
What is lactose intolerance? What effect does lactose intolerance…?
American Dietetics Association and James University Computer Club
What are the side effects of taking lactose pills if u are not la…?
as in pills to make you go to the bathroom? laxatives.nothing rely the first few days you’ll have minor cramping, thats about it then it goes away

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Omeprazole, side effects and lactose intolerance?
Q: I take 40mg of Omeprazole a day for acid reflux. I have been taking it for years and if I go without it for just 2 or 3 days my symptoms return and I am in allot of pain and discomfort. other health problems I have are diarrhea /constipation, stomach cramps, nausea, headaches, muscle ache and exhaustion. all of these I have had sporadically throughout my adult life but in the past few weeks they have gotten much worse and more constant. also I think I might be lactose intolerant (milk, cream and ice-cream cause me allot of abdominal pain) and have just realised that Omeprazole has lactose in it, along with the Motillium I have been taking for the past week to stop the nausea.so this leads to three questions.1. is there enough lactose in these medications to cause physical upset to someone who is lactose intolerance?2. can a person develop side effects from a prescription drug after taking it for years?3. is there an alternative to Omeprazole that does not contain Lactose?
A: i guess omeprazole doesn’t contain lactose that could made you suffer that…seconddrugs taken orally usually gives you GI problems since generally, these drugs cause stomach upsetsthirdyou better inform you doctor about it, report every discomfort and avoid self medicating (if you are), they are the only one legally allowed to prescribe any alternative medications for you
Can you develop lactose intolerance later in life?
Q: I know that it’s the lack of the lactase enzyme and it’s something you’re born with, but can you also develope it at a later date? Is there any medication or diseases whos side effect is lactose intolerance?
A: Yeap, I developed it after my daughter was born, it has progressively gotten worst. First just milk bothered me, then cheese, now yogurt . . . it sucks! As far as diseases or medications which cause it, I am not aware of any, but I would suppose that anything which would kill the bacteria in your gut could have some type of affect. Lactose intolerance, as you stated, is simply a lack of an enzyme that the bateria in your gut make to break-down lactose. I read (although I can not reference it at this moment) that if you stop ingesting dairy products, the bacteria stop making the enzyme, I am not sure if this is 100% correct, but perhaps it’s a type of “evolutionary process” our individual bodies go through in adapting to our environment . . . that’s my hypothesis 🙂 Also, various ethnic groups, particulary hispanic’s are lactose intolerant. I find it helpful to take those lactose pills, I have to take two if I want to drink a glass of milk, but every once in a while I just get a craving to go crazy on the dairy.
What can I take to treat severe symptoms of lactose intolerance?
Q: Everytime I eat something with dairy in it (even if it’s two drops of ranch dressing) I get a horrible stomach ache, bloat and throw up (every single time). The chewable tablets Lactate (I think that’s what they’re called) don’t do anything for me. I don’t even care if I still have some symptoms but if there are any pills that I can take that can make the effects of eating lactose less severe than throwing up that would be great.
A: I would see your doctor. Perhaps you could have a different condition combined with being Lactose Intolerant. Or, he can possibly prescribe you meds that will help.Until then I would try to avoid foods that contain dairy, but at the same making sure you have enough calcium. Try these foods (I got this list off a yahoo! health site) * Broccoli, okra, kale, collards, and turnip greens. * Canned sardines, tuna, and salmon. * Calcium-fortified juices and cereals. * Calcium-fortified soy products such as soy milk, tofu, and soybeans. * Almonds.Feel better!
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