What are causes of depression

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “What are causes of depression”,you can compare them.

Some common factors involved in depression are family history, trauma/stress, pessimistic personality, physical conditions, MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-causes-of-depression ]
More Answers to “What are causes of depression
Nature and Nurture The simple answer is nature and nurture. It’s sort of a “Which came first, the chicken or the egg?” conundrum, and this goes for many human conditions and illnesses besides depression. Genetics play a part, p…
The causes of clinical depression aren’t entirely understood. Particulars vary from patient to patient and can entail a number of different factors. The good news is, regardless of the cause,…
Some types of depression run in families, indicating that a biological vulnerability to depression can be inherited. This seems to be the case especially with bipolar disorder. Studies have been done of families in which members of each gen…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What are the causes and symptoms of depression?
Q: I don’t have thoughts of suicide but I, and those around me, have noticed a change in my behavior. Lately I have been feeling nauseous, tired, agitated, and I have also been very reclusive and sad. I’ve had a lot of trouble getting up in the mornings, which is very odd for me. Also, I’ve haven’t been able to concentrate very well. None of these things are common with me so I was wondering what it was. I heard that some of these things are symptoms of depression. I also wanted to know what causes depression. Any and all suggestions and or comments are greatly appreciated. Thank you.
A: Symptoms of Major DepressionSleep disturbance (insomnia), sleeping too muchCrying“Empty” feelingLoss of interest in usually enjoyable activitiesDifficulty in thinking clearlyFeelings of guilt or worthlessnessLoss of concentrationLowered self-esteemNot as talkative as usualExcessive fatigueProlonged sadnessLoss of appetiteSocially withdrawnPersistent permissionSignificant weight lossIrritabilityPersistent thoughts of death of suicideAttempted suicide
What causes depression? Does it afflict even happy healthy individuals from time to time and if so, why?
Q: I don’t mean clinical depression; serious depression where you entertain suicidal thoughts or depression that follows life altering events. I am talking about “low level” depression where you feel somewhat blue…but for no apparent reason…things are going well in your life and your relationships are positive…yet you feel a void…a sort of depression. Are there causes for this? Do all people, in varying degrees, go through these depressions?
A: Serotonin and Dopamine. And yes all people do.
What kind of hormonal imbalance causes depression?
Q: I have been feeling really depressed lately and I suspect that my hormones are messed up. What are the different problems you can have that will cause depression? Thanks!
A: More than hormonal imbalance are chemical imbalances of your seratonin and norepinephrine that are produced in the brain. See your doc if your depression lasts longer than a month
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