What are blood clots

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Blood clots are not a normal condition, but occur when blood coagulates, or hardens. These form during injury to the body. MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-blood-clots ]
More Answers to “What are blood clots
Blood clots consist of blood cells and fibrin strands that form to stop the flow of blood after an injury. Blood clots are vital for wound healing. If blood was not able to clot, death would occur from excessive bleeding from a simple cut. …
Blood is a liquid that flows within blood vessels. It is constantly in motion as the heart pumps blood through arteries to the different organs and cells of the body. The blood is propelled back to the heart in the veins. When muscles contr…
Normally, when you cut yourself, your blood coagulates and seals the wound, forming a scab to protect it from infection. However, in some cases the blood curdles into a clump (thrombus) that stays lodged in the veins, a condition known as d…

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What do dark brown blood clots and a brownish discharge during your period mean?
Q: My boyfriend and I had sex the day before I was going to get my period and the condom broke. The next day I experienced a strange mucus like brown discharge. I got my period two days late and now I am having quarter-sized dark brown blood clots.
A: I normally get a little brown discharge right before I get my period or a few days before I my period. Now since you said you got your period but the blood is still brown and it is quarter size, I would suggest that you see a doctor because it could some kind of infection of some sort. You will never know unless you see a doctor.
What happens if there are blood clots in brain?
Q: My friend had an accident a few years ago and was told that he developed blood clots in his brain. He had been under medication from then and now he says the doctors have again diagnosed blood clots in his brain. He is not specific as to which part of the brain is affected. He fears this might lead to heart attacks and paralysis. But as of now he says he is fine. I am really concerned as to what might happen to him. If anybody definitely knows about this, then please let me know. What is happening to him? Please help.
A: When you have blood clots in the brain the result is determined by how big they are and how many there are.One really big clot can block off the blood supplt to a large part of the brain and kill you. Smaller blood vessels when blocked off will cause strokes and you may get some resolution of some of the symptoms of these types of stroke. Very tiny clots may have no noticeable deficit or may show up as loss of some brain function depending on the areas/s affected. eg loss of movement, loss of memory.To give you a better answer we would need to know why he is clotting, he may have a number of different reasons for this.Best wishes.
How serious are blood clots in the lungs?
Q: My dad is in the hospital and we’ve been told that he has blood clots in both of his lungs and will have to be kept in the hospital for about three days and be given two different kinds of medicine to dissolve them. My mother is the one relaying the information to me. I don’t know much about blood clots in the lungs. She’s acting like it isn’t a big deal. Is she just doing this for my sake? Is this serious? What could happen? Thanks in advance
A: The clots are most likely thromboemboli, which means they formed in deep veins in another part of the body, broke free and travelled via the blood circulation. The veins empty into the vena cava, which then empties into the heart, and the clots typically make it through the right side of the heart, but become lodged when they enter the branches of the pulmonary artery. The pulmonary artery carries blood from the right ventricle to the lungs to pick up oxygen. The branches become smaller after entering the lungs, and this is where the clots can lodge. This is a very serious and life threatening condition and hopefully your dad will recover with the treatment he is getting. They will have to also determine where the clots came from and deal with whatever treatment or lifestyle changes may be in order. There are multiple possible causes for the clots to have formed.
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