What are abnormal cells on your cervix caused from

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Cervical dysplasia is when your cervical cells are abnormal. These cells are precancerous, later on they could become a cancer. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-abnormal-cells-on-your-cervix-caused-from ]
More Answers to “What are abnormal cells on your cervix caused from
What causes cervical cancer and abnormal cervical cells??
Cervical cancer is caused by infection with certain types of a common virus, called human papillomavirus, or HPV. While other factors such as the oral contraceptive pill, smoking, a woman’s immune system and the presence of other infection…
Should I get a hysterectomy cause of abnormal cells on cervix? I’…?
I’m afraid that I don’t know much about HPV or what you’re dealing with, but I can reassure you that if it does come down to a hysterectomy they can leave in your ovaries and you could actually do in-vitro with a surrogate mother and still …
What are abnormal cervical cells?
Abnormal cervical cells are cells in the lining of the cervix that have changed in appearance. These changes are often called cervical dysplasia and are detected through Pap tests. The more severe the cervical abnormality, the more likely i…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Q: DUE TO HPV? IS IT FROM THE VIRUS, OR FROM THE GUY GIVING THEM TO YOU? LIKE IS IT FROM THE VIRUS BEING ACTIVE…OR IS IT CAUSE A MALE WAS CARRYING ABNORMAL CELLS AND THEY INFECTED YOU?so after i get my cells removed i can have unprotected sex with my boyfriend again since we both have the same types?
A: It’s from the virus. He was carrying the virus, and it got onto you. It then attached to a spot on your cervix, irritating the cervix, which produced mutated cells.
Besides cancer, what could cause abnormal cells on the cervix?
Q: My recent pap smear showed abnormal cells. I had a colposcopy and biopsy on Monday, and I’m waiting for the results to come back in. I’m curious as to what, besides cancer, could cause the abnormal cells.
A: Infections of the cervix can cause an abnormal pap. I had 2 abnormal and both times i had infections. Neither was an STD, one was a yeast infection and the other was BV when I was pregnant with my first child. She’s 13 and I just had a normal one 2 months ago, so dont worry. the repeat exams were normal.
Should I get a hysterectomy cause of abnormal cells on cervix? I’m 20…?
Q: I’ve been battling pre-cancerous cells on my cervix for 2-3 years now. The culprit of the cells is the HPV virus. I had surgery 2 years ago, but the cells have returned. The doctors said they wanted me to come back in 6 months to check on the cells, but I’m frightened that they have turned to cancer, or the cells have spread or something. I haven’t had any kids yet and would LOVE to, but I don’t want to deal with this HPV anymore and having to keep getting procedures done until my cervix is either gone, or way too weakened to support a child. So should I just get a hysterectomy to avoid eventually developing cancer and getting procedures done? Will the cells really keep coming back? Why do people say that the surgery you get to treat the cells usually help with the abnormal cells not coming back and mine have? Another thing, since I contracted HPV 2 years ago, I have had unprotected sex with 4 guys. Do you think I could have caught another strain and that’s why the HPV is showing positive and abnormal cells are forming again? Please help I’ve been crying my eyes out all morning and all I want is to hear something encouraging…Whyyy does HPV have to exist!!!!!! =(
A: I’m afraid that I don’t know much about HPV or what you’re dealing with, but I can reassure you that if it does come down to a hysterectomy they can leave in your ovaries and you could actually do in-vitro with a surrogate mother and still have children. The doctors could also bank some of your eggs if it turns out you need the ovaries removed too. I know that’s probably discouraging but just wanted to let you know that even if you end up not being able to carry your own children, your eggs could be used to create them and have someone else carry them.Find a specialist if your gynecologist can’t give you good answers to these questions.
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