What about your nose

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “What about your nose”,you can compare them.

No, you should not ever put chewing tobacco inside your nose. You will get no effect from doing so. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-about-your-nose ]
More Answers to “What about your nose
How the males developed that giant nose is subject to debate. It’s primary purpose appears to be sexual. I would assume that most often it’s other males who are aware of the size of their surrounding buddies’ noses rather than the females…
Depending on how you count them, there are about three main alternatives: Novell NetWare, Windows NT Server, and Unix (including its many variants such as Solaris, flavors of Linux, etc.). There are some fine lesser-known alternatives such…
I have a slightly smaller than normal Roman nose. I look at my nose a lot for some reason.

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What do you think about sucking snot out of your kid’s nose?
Q: It seems like it may be normal in Japan to suck the snot out of your kids nose with your mouth and then spit it out. I was just wondering what others think about this and if it’s common in America too.
A: No way, that sounds pretty gross.I use Boogie Wipes 🙂 The best invention ever! They are pretty much saline-based wipes that slide that boogie right out
What is some good things and bad things about getting your nose pierced? Does it hurt?
Q: My mom told me I could get my nose pierced if I paid for it and I got it approved by my dad. My dad ain’t to fond of piercings. It took him almost two months to approve of me getting my belly button pierced. I told him it would be my last piercing, it will be a small stud, and if anything bad happens I will take it out. I need some info about it to tell my dad to convince him to approve. Any help? Any info?
A: How old aree you?I’m seventeen, I got my nose pierced last May when I was 16. It took a year to convince my mom that it was my nose and if anything happened to me or my nose or anything, it’d be my fault and i know that.I usually always say it’s the last piercing, or it’s all I ever wanted. Hha.my mom doenst like piercings either. she only has her ears pierced…no tattoos-nothing.it doesnt hurt..by the way.mine cost me 15 dollars.its cheap to take care of.all you do wash it with the orange dial soap 2 times a day.also, you can change it about 6 weeks after like ear piercings, thats when i changed mine.tell him they make all different kinds of studs :]so if you wanna get a job or something and you can’t have a nose ring they always have clear ones :)it don’t hurt to get it done.they clean their materials.clean your nose.mark it.clamp it.shove a [long] needle through.put the ring in :)all it does is make your eyes water.tell him that if you show off your belly button ring like in a bikini it’ll attract boys, but if you got your nose pierced, it won’t attract them as much :]hahaha….
What is all this about a bump appearing on your nose after getting it pierced?
Q: Ok im going to get my nose pierced for my sweet 16 and im kinda nervous because ppl keep talking about a bump coming up on ur nose…help!
A: They are more than likely talking about Hypertrophic scarring. This can be prevented if the piercing is cared for properly. Dont worry about it until/if you show signs of it. There are ways to get rid of it even if one develops.Good luck! 🙂
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