What about aids

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “What about aids”,you can compare them.

AIDS stands for acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. HIV is actually the virus that causes the disease AIDS. ChaCha on! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-about-aids ]
More Answers to “What about aids
eventually kill u
In africa some tribes kill monkeys for food, before the cooking process there was at some point acidental blood transfer.
With simple, clear language written in large print, this book describes three things people can do about AIDS: learn the facts, teach others, and help people with HIV or AIDS. Numerous full-page, colour photographs accentuate the text. Incl…

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What’s with all the questions today about swine flu and aids?
Q: I’ve looked at 20 pages or more and each has questions about swine flu and other sickness including aids. Is there that many people sick on this site? If your sick answer.
A: i’m not sick but i think people need to calm down with it, it’s nothing but slightly worse than the flu…
How can I find out about government funding for hearing aids?
Q: I am hearing impaired and cannot really afford a new hearing aid, which costs about 5000 for a pair, is there a site or a government agency that provides free funding for individuals that need hearing aids but cannot afford to buy them?
A: If you need new hearing aids to hold a job, the vocational rehabilitation department for your state is a good place to start. There are also several sources that will donate used hearing aids to individuals (such as the Starkey Foundation)
What are some good movies about gay teens to 26 yearolds and kids with aids?
Q: What are some good movies about gay teens to 26 yearolds and kids with aids?
A: I don’t know many, but I am aware that Brokeback Mountain is a movie dealing with homosexual lovers, I believe.I only, currently know one “kids with aids” movie which is called Girl Positive. I watched it on TV on the Lifetime channel. It’s a very good film.
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