Should you smoke if you have pneumonia

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “Should you smoke if you have pneumonia”,you can compare them.

You should never smoke if you have pneumonia. It could really cause problems. ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Should you smoke if you have pneumonia
Can I continue to smoke if I have pneumonia?
It is advisable to stop smoking since it will further irritate the already swollen and inflamed lung tissue and the tracheo bronchial tree.
Should I smoke canabis while infected with pneumonia??
When you are having breathing problems anyway, smoking anything would be a bad idea. Smoking anything (including marijuana) isn’t a good idea even if you don’t have pneumonia.
Can i smoke weed with Pneumonia in the past?
yes you can, however in the long run it will catch up with you and you could have a variety of health problems because of it, if you want to get high id suggest consuming weed or buying a machine that takes all the t.h.c. out and you can in…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Should I smoke canabis while infected with pneumonia?
Q: I’ve had pneumonia for a couple of days now, and I was wondering what the negative effects of smoking would cause.
A: When you are having breathing problems anyway, smoking anything would be a bad idea. Smoking anything (including marijuana) isn’t a good idea even if you don’t have pneumonia.
Can i smoke weed with Pneumonia in the past?
Q: Hello, i had horrible pneumonia in the past and was worndering if i can smoke pot? Please dont give me lectures about not smoking. thanks!
A: yes you can, however in the long run it will catch up with you and you could have a variety of health problems because of it, if you want to get high id suggest consuming weed or buying a machine that takes all the t.h.c. out and you can inhale that, if i were you id keep from directly smokin it
I was diagnosed with pneumonia and i smoke cigs reagularly?
Q: Yesterday i went to the hospital cause i wasnt feeling good. ( bad cough, fever, spitting up mucus). and i was diagnosed with pneumonia. I stayed their one night and they did some breathing test and took some of my bllod. Ive limited myself to only 4 cigs today so far from smoking a whole pack a day. what are some tips i can to learn to help me quit? i got prescribed some anti-biotics, will these still help even though im still smoking?
A: Limit yourself to zero. pneumonia is a serious illness and will not improve with your habit. My mother works as a dr. in a hospital and along with anti-biotics for her patients who smoke, she recommends a drug called “chantix” . It is going to make your system totally opposed to nicotene and smoke. It beats patchs and gum that wiene you. Talk to a dr. about it. My cousin actually tried it off of the recommendation of my mother (my cousin was 4 and went through 3 packs a day) and it did great things for him. Best of luck to you. Addiction is difficult, but there is help
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