Should she go to the ER

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Depending on the severity of the situation, going to the ER is a possibility. But since I don’t know the situation, I can’t help. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Should she go to the ER
Should she go to the ER?
sunburn is serious, if its blistering or she is in pain then go to the hospital cold water is the best/only first aid when you burn yourself – 20 minutes under the tap and no less. NEVER ice OR vinegar OR milk OR butter OR green tea OR must…
How soon should she go to the er?
Immediately, if it moves it could block an artery in the brain and cause a stroke, or block an artery in the heart and cause a heart attack.
How Wicked-er Can She Go?
Nikki Smythe-Ponthynhausen has been put on probation for not being evil enough. Nikki is put to the test to prove she is as wicked as she needs to be, by having to take on clients the higher witches have assigned to her. Her first assignmen…

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A: make sure you’re holding the cut together, if not it will keep bleeding. Get butterfly bandages and put them over the cut to hold it together like makeshift stitches with them, and if it doesn’t stop bleeding after another 30 minutes or hour definately go get stitches.
What should I expect when I go to the ER for suicidal thoughts?
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A: If you go to an er, it’s to your advantage to go to a hospital that actually has a psych unit. It’s faster, and you get better care. Someone from the psych unit, a nurse or mental health tech, will come to the ER and ask a bunch of questions. The interviewer will then talk with a psychiatrist and tell him what they think, and they will either admit you or send you home. After you get on the unit, there will be some more questions and some paperwork. If you sign in voluntarily as a psych patient, that does not mean you can sign out or leave any time you want. Signing in voluntarily means you’re willing to stay until the doctor discharges you.As far as actual inpatient psych care goes, you’ll go to a large room for meals. There will be groups you’ll be expected to attend and to participate. You’ll meet with a doctor once a day, and with nurses probably twice a day for individual sessions. There will be a bed time, and you will smoke on a schedule. The doctor will probably start you on some medication. Average stay in inpatient psych is 3-5 days.
Pus oozing from ear – does she need to go to the ER or can it wait till Monday?
Q: My friend heard an odd crackling noise and then a pop, and there was liquid in her ear. Her ear is now dripping pus and she is in a lot of pain. Her doctor is closed and she is being difficult about going to the ER. Can you guys please give me some ideas of what could be wrong with her and if you think she should go to the ER instead of waiting until Monday morning for her doctor to open?
A: If she had a spontaneous tympanic perforation (busted ear drum to you), that would explain the exudate coming from the ear canal. There’s an infection going on in her middle ear — she has otitis media and it sounds bad. The ear needs to be examined, cleaned up and she needs to start antibiotics today. Tympanic perfs in & of themselves are not usually that big a deal. Most seal up by themselves. But without being able to otoscope her ear, I can’t tell how large a perf she has or if she may require a patch. I strongly suggest that she let you drive her to an ER and have this looked at. If you need to, have her contact me directly by e-mail (NOT via Yahoo! Answers) and I’ll tell her the potential consequences of delaying treatment. I also have a couple of questions I’d like to ask her. My e-address is in my profile.
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