Is there such thing as water poisoning

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “Is there such thing as water poisoning”,you can compare them.

Yes. Water poisoning is caused by excessive consumption of water during a short period of time. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is there such thing as water poisoning
Is There Such A Thing As Water Poisoning?
There is indeed! To keep the body healthy and functioning properly, water is essential. However, that does not mean that you should have huge quantities of water all in one go. If you have too much water in such a short amount of time, it c…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Is there such a thing as “Water Poisoning”?
Q: My friend told me that her mom got water poisoning when she was a teenager from drinking too much water…Is there such a thing? And what exactly is it?
A: yes sir. but hyponatremia is more of an effect of having too much water, not what it’s actually called. the term you are looking for is hyperhydration. the basics of the whole thing is someone drinks too much water, it disturbs normal functions of the brain because electrolytes are lost but not replenished. usually this wouldn’t be fatal near as fatal, but the part that makes it deadly is that you are losing electrolytes and drinking lots of water at the same time(thus, not replenishing the lost electrolytes, only water) and it affects the function of the brain as stated before. he’s right about the sodium explanation, but like i said before it’s caused BY hyperhydration.
Is there such a thing as TOO much water?
Q: Before my diet change, water to me was like poison. I never touched it.Lately I’ve had to change my diet though, so I’ve increased my water intake and decreased my intake of everything else (soda, milk, etc)But my question is, is there such a thing as too much water? Does it make you gain weight?I drink about 12 cups a day at most, though I don’t eat much or drink much of anything else except for the occasional half cup of milk or orange juice.So, what’s the verdict? Too much?
A: 12 isn’t too much.When you drink more water than you need, at a steady rate throughout the day your body just flushes it out. It’s actually way more healthy to get a little bit too much, than not enough.Your body uses H2O for almost every single metabolic process. When you don’t have enough water you get tired because you cells don’t have what they need to catabolize energy.Anyhow, You CAN get too much water. But it usually only happens to runners activly in a race. Because of this hydration and energy relationship runners are really pushed to get enough fluids, they are coached to drink even when they are not thirsty. This can cause a problem if you drink ALOT of water too quickly. Basically you body needs to maintain a ratio of water to salts. If you dump a bunch of water in suddenly (faster than your kidneys can excrete it) then you risk electrolite (sp?) imbalance. This can actually cause pretty severe problems, including halicunations and possibly death.But it has to be a LOT of water. Were talking gallons in minutes. Most people could not do this without vomiting. It only happens in runners because they are used to gulping water, and the physical activity can trick the body into not purging the excess.Anyhow, you should be fine. Sounds halthy to me.
Is there such thing as the NEW WORLD ORDER?
Q: Theres alot of Youtube videos saying we are all going to be put into fema coffins, and burned in a death, gas camp. Is this true? Fema trains, chemtrails, concentration camps.. I want to have a family one day, and the thought of this is disheartening..they say if we ignore it , its because we are being poisoned by sodium flouride, which is in tephlon pans, cigarettes, salt, tap water, procesed cereal, fast food, and much more.. hitler gave it to the jews to make them docile, russia used flouride too.. dentists say it gives us flourosis, and is linked to diebetes, and cancer. oh well .. i think im going to just live life like nothings happening. its better than worrying.
A: I like a good conspiracy theory as much the next guy, but this is bullshit. fluoride has been in some US water districts for 50 years (dental caries) nice touch to link it to fema concentration camps. is this some prophecy that foretold the coming of a clean articulate black man? rotflmao–look, if marvin the moron is with it, it CAN’T have any credibility
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