Is that an STD

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No pruritus is not an STD. It can be caused by food allergies, soap allergies (do you shower at night?). Best to see a doc. ChaCha [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is that an STD
Thanks for the reply… I have had a couple of them ever since I can remember, like before I was ever sexually active. It just bothers me now that I am getting more of them.
hey its a very big possibility that you have herpes. It is contagious, even when no symptoms occur. Some people can get it without EVER having a symptom, which makes passing it along to others very easy. With herpes it usualy hurts to pee, …
WEbmd came up with these possibilities for a swollen penis: Cellulitis – sign of diabetes Hydrocele – water build-up usually has swollen stomach also a Hernia – but usually swelling around penis also Spermatocele – a cyst – but this one doe…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What are the chances of contracting an std when there was no fluid transfer?
Q: Years ago I had an unfortunate encounter that lead to a possible ground of contraction. I would like to know the probability of getting an std over four years ago as the person had a healthy child within the last two.any and all non-sarcastic remarks will be GREATLY appreciated. <3 <3 :3
A: Some stds can be transferred through skin to skin contact during sex. Some stds can also lie dormant for long periods of time with out showing symptoms. Healthy people can get stds and have healthy children. If your worried then get your self tested for stds by your doctor.
How long would you have to have an STD to start having feritility problems?
Q: I have just found out my partner had an affair starting February 08 for three months, he told me he did not always use protection, so I need to go for an STD check up. We are trying to concieve and I just wondered if I did have an infection would it had of caused fertility problems already and how long does it usual take to cause any problems? Helpful and facts only please! All answers appreciated!
A: No, most STD would cause just irritating symptoms though they are called STIs now as they are curable.
Is it possible to catch an std from somebody who doesnt have one?
Q: I mean cant you catch an std from bacteria you catch from unprotected sex? And I mean like regular bacteria, not STD bacteria.
A: u can catch a yeast infection if they had one at the time u had sex. bacteria is a little different then stds but there is one called BV (bacterial vaginosis). stds are more common to pass on then bacterial infections. but if they don’t have any STDs then u cant get one if they for 100% sure don’t have one.
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