Is staph infection airborne

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MRSA is an airborne version of a staph infection. Thanks for using ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is staph infection airborne
Is Staph Infection contagious?
Staff is a very infectious bacteria in the right places and doses. If there is an excessive amount of staff on your food, you can get food poisoning. If staff gets into an open cut you can get an infection. If staff gets into your lungs, yo…
Is MRCA the staph infection possibly caused by airborne mold spor…?
The black mold is a fungal disease; MRSA is a bacterial disease, and there is no relationship between the two. However, it’s sometimes difficult to erradicate MRSA from the body, as it often hids in crevices, such as in the nostrils. Your g…
How do you get a staph infection?
A staph infection is caused by the staphylococcus bacteria. You usually pick it up when you come into contact with a surface that the bacteria is on. You can pick it up from almost any surface and it can be prevented by cleaning regularly u…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Is MRCA the staph infection possibly caused by airborne mold spores, or black mold?
Q: My girlfriend is renting an apt. that has/ had a air conditioner leak that was under the carpet, and has turned to black mold on the cement, under the carpet. The landlord came and fixed the leak, and steam cleaned the carpets… She had gotten a staph infection 2 months before this cleaning and now 2 months (after the cleaning) has gotten MRCA infection or staph inf. again. Can this be causing or “helping” this spread in her body? THX!
A: The black mold is a fungal disease; MRSA is a bacterial disease, and there is no relationship between the two. However, it’s sometimes difficult to erradicate MRSA from the body, as it often hids in crevices, such as in the nostrils. Your g/f will need another round of antibiotics, and make sure that her treating doctor gives her something for her nasal passages, too.
Whats a staph infection and is it contagious…..?
Q: A woman who works in the same office area as my husband has one and we were wondering if it was spread airborne or what. What is it and is it contagious
A: There are many strains of staph infection. Some is transmitted from surfaces that you touch, others are airborne when someone coughs or sneezes on you and the droplets come into contact with you. It can be very contagious. It is transmitted in schools by touching things that infected persons have touched, sinks, faucets, door knobs, anything. If you share razors or towels, it is possible to transmit it that way. According to the CDC ,the best way to keep it from spreading is to wash your hands with soap and hot water. If that is unavailable, use antibacterial waterless hand cleaners or wipes. Keep them with you, but only use them if you can’t get to a sink to wash your hands. Constant use of these products can cause mutated strains of germs that are harder to kill. Stay away from those that you know are sick….
How serious is a MRSA staph infection?
Q: I’ve heard that it’s caused more deaths recently than AIDS! It seems like healthy people are dying all over the country. I have MRSA in my bloodstream. I’ll get a pimple or a boil and it’ll get really infected. I’ve had about a dozen infections in the past year but haven’t had to be hospitalized yet because I haven’t had a fever. My most recent infection was in my knee and it spread throughout my leg and it swelled up like three times the size of my other leg! Steroids took care of the swelling. I take Septra but it doesn’t seem to help work because the MRSA is still in me. I pick at my sores (it’s part of my OCD) and I’ve tried to stop because it makes it so much worse. How much of a risk do I have of this getting into like my lungs or brain or somewhere serious? I’m 34 and am in moderate health otherwise. Also, am I at risk of spreading this airborne? And if you know, how rampant is MRSA right now, are they blowing it out of proportion? Thanks.
A: MRSA is a very serious (usually hospital borne) bacteria resistant to antibiotics. It’s the number one killer in hospitals these days.It is what usually kills immuno compromised patients (usually older and youngest) in hospitals. People in hospitals may go in with one condition and end up dying of a secondary related condition like pneumonia or MRSA. There is even another VRE, Vancomycin resistant something or other, the vancomycin being the most potent antiobiotic usually reserved for fighting MRSA and very resistant strains of bacteria. That is why it’s important to follow hospital instructions to the T when you are asked to and use alcohol based hand sanitizers when you enter and leave. If you eat in the caf, use a sanitizer immediately before eating your food in case you touched anything that may have been contaminated. Hospitals and nursing homes are usually where you pick up that bacteria. It’s in all hospitals pretty well these days.Yes it’s serious. If you can’t get this MRSA out of your system, then it means you can become SEPTIC, meaning your whole body is full of bacteria. Sepsis usually shuts down your organs one at a time until death occurs.I’ve never heard of anyone walking around with MRSA living in them constantly, but then I don’t really know much about this other than what I’ve stated and don’t know if in someone “healthy” that they can do so without any consequence. Obviously it has had a significant impact on your body too if it is living in you and it certainly cannot be a good thing.If it’s truly what you have, then you need to get rid of it. Too many antibiotics, most which are not needed have created these superbugs, and even antibiotics in your hand and dishsoaps (a really bad thing) are creating stronger antibiotic resistant bugs. (Better to use a hand sanitizer which is alcohol only)Look it on on the internet and I’m sure you’ll find all kinds of info on the subject.
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