Is sleep apnea life threatening

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “Is sleep apnea life threatening”,you can compare them.

Sleep Apnea can be lethal if you’re unable to start breathing again during the night, or if you have an inflammation of the throat [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is sleep apnea life threatening
Is Sleep Apnea life threatening?
Short answer: yes, it can be. Your husband stops breathing for periods in his sleep. While the Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (c-pap) device looks clumsy and uncomfortable to wear, it’s basically designed to keep him breathing. You gav…
Why sleep apnea is life-threatening
People with sleep apnea periodically stop breathing as they sleep. There are three types of sleep apnea, and obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is the most common. OSA is the repeated blockage of the upper airway by fatty tissue. Excess body fat…
Is snoring or sleep apnea life threatening?
Chronic sleep disorders can impact quality of life as well as your health. Chronic sleep disorders such as insomnia, snoring, and sleep apnea can not only disrupt your own sleep, but those who sleep near you also. Snoring is caused by redun…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Is Sleep Apnea life threatening?
Q: My husband has sleep apnea, and he has to use a c-pap (machine) at night before going to sleep.
A: Short answer: yes, it can be.Your husband stops breathing for periods in his sleep. While the Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (c-pap) device looks clumsy and uncomfortable to wear, it’s basically designed to keep him breathing.You gave no reason for the need for this device, and I will not pry. It is important that he continue using it.There is a lot of information about this device on the web – try googling CPAP or make an appointment with a medical professional to discuss the need and use of the device more fully.
Does anyone know about Central Sleep Apnea Disorder in children?
Q: I have a 4 year old son diagnosed with this last week and I’m told it can be life threatening..We’ve had the sleep study done and confirmed it. My Pediatric doc. thinks it Neurological, but what’s that mean? Any answers would be greatly appreciated, I don’t sleep much, too scared.
A: Central Sleep Apnea Disorder is a neuorological disorder because the brain fails to signal the muscles to breath. You can read ALL about it on this website:
Life insurance with some health problems?
Q: I have a few health problems and I am looking for life insurance. I have sleep apnea (I use the machine), COPD (Chronic Bronchitis), and possibly Emphysema (tests being run). My doctor said that nothing is life threatening at this point. Anyone know of any good life insurance companies that work with someone who has health issues? I have two small children and I really would like to rest assured they will be taken care of.
A: Underwriting guidelines change all the time for different life insurance companies. You need to work with a life insurance broker who has experience handling difficult cases and access to many companies to find you the best offers.Your sleep apnea sounds under control. If you are being tested for emphysema, your COPD might not be. Offers will depend on your O2 saturation levels, pulmonary function test, and so on. Expect a knowledgeable insurance broker to ask good questions.
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