Is not sleeping a sign of depression

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness Psychology .We found some answers as below for this question “Is not sleeping a sign of depression”,you can compare them.

Sleep disturbances are a hallmark of depression, but insomnia can actually unleash the mood disorder. ChaCha on! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is not sleeping a sign of depression
Could not sleeping good be a sign of depression?
Yes, you sound depressed. But if you can’t sleep that can cause all kinds of health problems. Have you went to a doctor and talked to him about this?
Can sleeping at unusual times of the day be a sign of depression??
It would be ONE sign of depression: irregular sleeping patterns. But there are many more, like change in appetite, feelings of sadness, significant weight loss/gain, etc I wouldn’t say you had depression if you just sleps at unusaul times, …
Is sleeping alot a sign of depression?
Sleep disturbances, both too much and unable to sleep are signs of depression, at this point it would be reckless to diagnose you however, because clinical depression should be discovered through a blood test. See your doctor, he would rule…

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Is sleeping wierd hours a sign of depression?
Q: I got fired about two weeks ago, and i have just been sleeping retarded hours. like 7 am to 2 pm. and i just have no energy and i feel so bad because i cant find a job.
A: its a sign yes but its usually sleeping to much or to little. but 7 hours seems ok to me
Is sleeping a lot one sign of depression?
Q: Like, if you sleep a lot, to get away from the world and your mom said it was (my mom has been diagnosed with depression when she was younger, and so has my sister)I was just wondering if this is true in some cases?
A: Yes sleeping a lot and feeling lethargic with lack of energy is one sign of depression. Try and find activities that you enjoy doing when you feel like sleeping excess amounts.
Is sleeping alot a sign of depression?
Q: I recently lost my job.. got arrested for a unpaid traffic tickets((which is gng to be a HUGE fine)).. all in a week.. i find myself sleeping all the time.. I find it hard to get out of bed… whats gng on?I have looked for a new job but im afraid it will affect it now due to the arrest((they were moving violations)
A: Sleep disturbances, both too much and unable to sleep are signs of depression, at this point it would be reckless to diagnose you however, because clinical depression should be discovered through a blood test. See your doctor, he would rule out any physical symptoms and recommend meds for anxiety, depression or whatever you are suffering. Just be up front about your tickets on any applications. They understand, and have seen much worse. If i am remembering right, most applications only ask for felony convictions. Keep applying for jobs and never take the ones you don’t get as defeats, just interviewing skills practice.
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