Is mono deadly

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “Is mono deadly”,you can compare them.

Not at all, symptoms include a general lack of energy or malaise, a loss of appetite, chills, severe sore throat, fever, and MORE? [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is mono deadly
Is mono deadly?
Mononucleosis Complications. Secondary bacterial throat infection, Rupture of spleen (this is rare, avoid pressure on the spleen, Neurological complications (these are rare, but include meningitis, seizures, ataxia, Guillain-Barre syndrome,…
Can mono be deadly??? if so when?
Fatalities from mononucleosis are extremely rare in developed nations. Potential mortal complications include splenic rupture, bacterial superinfections, hepatic failure and the development of viral myocarditis. Uncommon, nonfatal complicat…
Can MONO (mononcleosis) be permanent or deadly?
no its not permanent but can be fatal depending on the cases. Most mono cases that are fatal are from the spine rupturing. When you have mono the size of your spline increases and with physical exercise or motion you could cause it too burs…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

If I have mono does it mean I have Hiv and is it deadly?
Q: My throat has been swollen for a couple months and hasn’t healed. I don’t know if its Hiv. I don’t have any other symptoms of Hiv. My tonsials are swelling and its starting to have some white spots. Do I have Hiv? Or it it Mono? Is it a deadly virus?
A: Mono and HIV are 2 completely different things. Having mono does not mean that you have HIV. Most people who have HIV have no symptoms, so the only way to find out if you have HIV is to get tested. HIV is transmitted by unprotected sex with someone who is infected, sharing needles for drug use with someone who is infected, or it can be transmitted from an infected woman to her child during delivery or breastfeeding. If you feel you may have been exposed to HIV, get tested. However, as I said, having mono does not mean that you also have HIV. See your doctor.
Can mono be deadly??? if so when?
Q: I don’t have mono but I am doing a project and I need to know if it is deadly….. I can’y find answer anywhere. if it is deadly when???????
A: Infectious Mononucleosis (mono) is one of the most common diseases. If you check all the people online, you will find that most have been exposed to the :kissing disease”. But this viral illness can be aggressive like the flu, muscle ache, tiredness, lightheadness, abdominal pain, thoat pain with bigh tonsils and nodes. Sometimes Mono likes to hang aroung with Strep throat (in which case youneed antibiotics). In 15 years seeing sick people, I have not seen encephalitis (inlammation of the brain) by mono, but once. In teens a period of surveillance is important to check the spleen and make sure it has not been elarged. Some doctors do no hesitte to do and ultrssound of the spleen. What I have seen more and more in may patients is the prolonged period of “not feeling good” and a feeling of wonder land. I hope this answer your question. Get better soon.
What is Mono, how is it spread? Is it deadly?
Q: Exactly what is Mono? I’ve never had it before, I am just curious. Why is it called the kissing disease? Can it be deadly? What are symptons of it? If you get mono will it go away?
A: Hello!Mononucleosis aka mono is “is a viral illness usually caused by the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV). Mono most commonly develops in young adults between the ages of 15 and 24.1 The virus can be spread through contact with saliva, mucus (from the nose and throat), and sometimes tears. Rarely, EBV is spread through blood transfusions. Because the virus can be spread through saliva, mono is sometimes called the kissing disease.”Further information is available about the link below which includes symptoms, prevention, home treatments, etc.It’s not a serious disease however it will eventually go away after a period of time; but you need to stay home from school/work, etc….Hope this helps! I
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