Is it possible to stunt your growth

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Androstenedione, a hormone produced by the adrenal glands, ovaries & testes, may stunt a child’s grow. ChaCha again! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is it possible to stunt your growth
Is it possible to stunt your growth in height?
Malnutrition is the only proven culprit (like not getting enough Vitamin D and/or calcium, etc). However, if you do not get enough calcium already and you drink lots of coffee and other high-caffeinated drinks, it may stunt growth (although…
Would it be possible to stunt my pugs growth?
Oh how silly! That would be animal abuse. Of course we can blame you for your so call effort, it’s one of the most ridiculous questions I’ve seen. Feed the dog properly or give him to someone who will. Why didn’t you get a small animal su…
Is it possible for box squating to stunt your growth??
Strength training does not stunt growth. That is a myth that just won’t die. See links below or my other posts for more details. Box squatting is a bit risky. I would pay attention to the feedback your body is giving you and change to a dif…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Is it possible to stunt the growth of your breasts?
Q: Because about the time my breasts should have been developing I ran cross country and was super skinny. I am 19 and am very, very, flat chested. My mom and sister don’t have huge boobs, but they both have bigger boobs than me. Is it possible that since I was too skinny, I actually prevented my boobs from developing the way they should have?
A: Your breasts can be small because you have no excess body fat; breasts are made from fat. Since breast size changes anytime our body fat changes, you have not stunted them. As your metabolism slows and you gain weight, your breast size will probably increase…along with the rest of you.
is it possible to stunt your growth in height?
Q: Maybe by sitting in a certain way, standing or walking in a certain way? Eating or avoiding certain things?
A: Malnutrition is the only proven culprit (like not getting enough Vitamin D and/or calcium, etc). However, if you do not get enough calcium already and you drink lots of coffee and other high-caffeinated drinks, it may stunt growth (although it’s still being studied). It makes sense to me becausecaffeine is a diuretic and causes calcium to be leached out of bones and excreted.
Is It Possible to stunt your growth ?! ?
Q: i’ve heard of all those stupid myths likesmoking, coffee, not eating healthy .But do they really work ?is it really possible to stunt your growth ?
A: height is dependent on both genetics and environment, your body has a maximum height that is genetically determined, but it will only reach this height if all of the environmental factors are in place.By environmental factors i don’t just mean the place you live, environment covers everything outside your body, that has an influence on your body. Having a poor diet is a major factor that can stunt growth, so can smoking, including if a mother smokes (or drinks) while pregnant. Basically the healthier you are, the taller your body is able to grow, but if your genetically short, being healthy wont make you taller, it will just stop you from being even shorterThe inference of environment is one of the the reasons people in different countries have different average hight, for example there is very little genetic difference between a white australian and a white englishman, but on average an australian will the significantly taller.
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