Is it possible to get rid of stretch marks

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Surgical treatments including dermabrasion, chemical peels, or laser surgery can be used to address unwanted stretch marks. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is it possible to get rid of stretch marks
Is It Possible To Get Rid Of Stretch Marks?
I will start off with a few cheap, easy solutions. Try using a skin brush while you are showering will increase circulation which will help the skin to heal and help reduce stretch marks. There are also many creams you can find at your loca…
How Can I Get Rid of Stretch Marks?
Stretch marks, those irritating little scars associated with pregnancy, puberty and other sudden weight gain, can be unsightly and feel permanent. However, the reality is that there are a variety of ways to improve the look of stretch marks…
Is it possible to get rid of Stretch marks completely?
There is a lot of stretch mark treatment available on the market these days. Some treatments are more effective in fading or even eliminating stretch marks, but the success of the treatment depends on a few different things. First of all is…

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Q: I’m assuming these marks on my butt and somewhat on my thighs are stretch marks. So, how can I get rid of them?
A: HiI can recommend a system that really works. On the link below you´ll see a instructional video for it. RegardsNicoleGalvanic Spa Expert
Is It Possible To Get Rid Of Stretch Marks?
Q: I’m a 14 year old girl and I have recently developed what I believe to be stretch marks.I was wondering, is it possible to get rid of them?preferably a non-painful way.if so, how?
A: I will start off with a few cheap, easy solutions. Try using a skin brush while you are showering will increase circulation which will help the skin to heal and help reduce stretch marks. There are also many creams you can find at your local pharmacy or grocery store that will moisturize your stretch marks, and make them more flexible. Examples of these are cocoa butter and creams or oils containing vitamin E. If none of the creams or oils are effective, you can also talk to your doctor about getting a prescription cream to reduce stretch marks. Your diet can also help reduce your stretch marks. Eating food high in zinc and silica will help with your collagen formation. Also, eating foods with essential fatty acids, such as certain vegetables and fish oils, help form cell walls. Eating foods high in vitamins A, C, and E will also help.If you are interested in more effective ways of preventing and getting rid of stretch marks, you can read abt them from this site:
Is it possible to get rid of Stretch marks completely?
Q: I have had 2 children, and was very petite before my pregnancies. I have lost all my “baby fat”, but am covered with stretch marks. Is there a cream, or some cheap, and effective way to get rid of them, or maybe even get them to fade? I hear Coca butter helps. But I am allergic to it. Thanks in advance for the help.
A: There is a lot of stretch mark treatment available on the market these days. Some treatments are more effective in fading or even eliminating stretch marks, but the success of the treatment depends on a few different things. First of all is the color and age of the stretch marks. If they have faded to a flesh color they are much harder to heal. Second of all, ethnicity and heredity play a role in which creams, oils and other products or equipment will succeed in healing stretch marks. The cheapest stretch mark treatment available is creams made especially for stretch marks. The most effective creams contain ingredients such as cocoa butter, lanolin and wheat germ oil. These creams actually heal and rebuild the damaged skin. While they may not be able to completely eliminate stretch marks, they may at least make the stretch marks fade to a barely visible scar. A good recommendation will be Palmer Cocoa Butter Cream.Another popular & effective cream that you might wish to consider is Strivectin. It has a bioactive topical formula that has a combination of skin firming agents to reduce visible wrinkles and make skin appear firmerIf you are interested in more effective ways of getting rid of stretch marks, you can read abt them from this site:
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