Is it bad to cough up blood

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “Is it bad to cough up blood”,you can compare them.

It is very bad to cough up blood. If you are coughing up blood you should contact your doctor immediately! Hope you’re okay! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is it bad to cough up blood
Is it bad to cough up blood?
Go to the ER. Vomiting/Coughing up actual blood is something a doctor needs to see right away… And the PP is right. If you’re pregnant, go to the ER now please. Get better soon!
Is it bad if you start to cough up blood?
I am a Respiratory Therapist and just because you are coughing up blood does NOT mean you have TB. It could be from smoking or you trachea could be inflammed from coughing a lot(possibly from a cold. If it continues and/or a larger amount a…

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Q: Ok so like i have this problem and i dont know how to stop it. I sorta have like a bunch of problems with myself and fainted at a field trip when i got de-hydrated. I feel bad for myself, so how big of a problem is that? Could i do of these effects?
A: being bulimic is so dangerous! stop doing this to yourself! you might be thin, but the rest of the side effects are SOO not worth it. Get some help. You are worth it 🙂
I have a bad cough and taste blood?
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A: sometimes i get that but it’s with phlem however you spell it because i got body checked in hockey, have you been hit hard in the chest? Just to let you know it wasn’t serious so i don’t think you should worry too much but if it continues and it’s non stop blood then you really should have it checked (:
How bad is coughing up blood?
Q: My girlfriend has been coughing up blood for many years. Shes not very concerned about it because it’s been happening for a very long period of time. Is anything serious happening to her, or is there a reasonable explanation? the thing i’m afraid about, she’s afraid to talk to the doctor. Is there any other way to deal with it?
A: Well, it could be something as innocuous as a scratch in her throat or sinus cavity, or as serious as lung disease or lung cancer. She really should go to a doctor.
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