Is it bad if pee out blood

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If you are peeing blood, then chances are you have some sort of infection &should be checked out by a doctor as soon as possible. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is it bad if pee out blood
Is it bad that i pee blood?
Urinating blood and the sensation of strong tension in the bladder are usually caused by urinary tract infections in young females (especially if sexually active). I suggest that you have a urine analysis done to confirm the diagnosis and t…
What causes me to pee blood?
You really need to get back to the doctor ASAP. It could be anything, but it’s most likely to have been that fall.
When man gets horny and pee with blood is that bad??
it depends if you got really sprung than is not good go see a doctor

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

When I pee, blood comes out and it hurts really bad?
Q: I always feel like I have to go pee lately, but hardley anything comes out. Then there is blood and it is very painful trying to go. Wtf?Could it be a kidney stone? Will it get better on its own? What if I don’t see a doc?
A: You have a urinary tract infection…Usually it starts out with a burning sensation then as it progresses and gets worse you ll find blood in your pee (watery blood) then if you leave it for to long it can then move into your kidney’s or bladder and cause infection there aswell. This will not go away on its own, you will need to see a doctor asap!! And ignore these idiots who say its an STD they dont know what their talking about. Try not to stress just go see a doc very soon. Good luck.
Is it really bad if i pee blood?
Q: last week i started having pain after peeing and i just thought it was normal i guessa few days late ri neded to pee more frequently..i even peed in my bed because i couldnt make it to the bathroomtoday i went to pee and after peeing blood came out..lots of it?? its scary. I feel weak and!!i have to go to work in 30minutes and i cant call in sick…help!!
A: I’m surprised you even asked this question. Are you kidding? This is an emergency.
4 months pregnant i just had sex and it burns while i pee really bad and theres a little bit of blood?
Q: im flipping out.. it burns SOOOOO bad like i dont even wanna peeand theres even a little bloodomg what do i do
A: Sounds like he was a little to rough, and you may not have been lubricated enough, that is why it hurts when you pee. It is normal to bleed a little after sex, he probably irritated your cervix. You shouldnt worry so much, but if you continue to bleed call your doctor, and if the pee still burns after a day or so, have it checked out you could have a uti.
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