Is HPV transmittable

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “Is HPV transmittable”,you can compare them.

YES, is most contagious when vaginal wart,penile wart is present.A sexually active person will come across the common infection. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is HPV transmittable
When is HPV 16 transmittable?
my hpv is going away, but my boyfriend of 2 years now has it and is showind the signs. my warts were gone before his even showed up. your girlfriend can give you hpv with them being gone(and btw they will most likely come back- as they need…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Can the strand of HPV that clears itself up reoccur, or transmittable?
Q: I was diagnosed with HPV when i went back to for the second biopsy they said it had cleared itself up and I no longer had it. I was diagnosed with it though so does that mean it can reoccur?
A: yup it can come back because the virus stays in your body forever. it’s like mono. thank god it got cleared up on its own, but you have to get regular check ups to stay in control. talk to your doctor and ask him/her how many times a year you have to go.also please, please be save whenever you have sex with another person. use a condom or ask him to get tested. hpv puts you at higher risk of being’ll be fine as long as you see your doctor.
Is HPV orally Transmittable?
Q: I had oral sex with a friend of mine last month and well, she just now told me that she had an HPV scare back in February and never got a clear answer on if she was positive or not. Well she just told me tonight and I’m scared.Is it possible for HPV to be transmitted through oral sex?
A: Yes. HPV can be transmitted through oral sex. “Genital HPV is transmitted by genital skin-to-skin contact, or through the transfer of infected genital fluids. This is usually during vaginal or anal sex, but it is also possible to pass it on through non-penetrative sexual activity. In rare circumstances, a woman can pass HPV on to her baby during vaginal child birth. ” Non-penetrative sexual activity includes oral sex.Here’s the link to learn more.
should the condom advertisement attach an alert message about the potential HPV infected ?
Q: inner thigh, testis, and other genital area where not covered by the condom, potentially infected by HPV through mucosa at the wound where unnoticed. Besides, female HPV probably transmittable into cervix cancer.don’t u think the condom commercial or advertisement should provide alert message like the tobaco company ?
A: It is true that condoms don’t protect against HPV, but I don’t think there should be a warning like the tobacco industry. Smoking causes lung cancer, but condoms don’t cause HPV.
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