Is HPV bad

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “Is HPV bad”,you can compare them.

Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection of the cervix can lead to cervical cancer. A vaccine designed to prevent cervical cancer MORE [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is HPV bad
How common is HPV?
HPV is the most common sexually transmitted infection in the United States. At least 50 percent of sexually active people will get HPV at some time in their lives. Every year in the U.S., about 6.2 million people get HPV. HPV is most common…
How bad is HPV?
Its harmless for a male. A lot of people don’t get the physical symptom of the disease which is genital warts, so they don’t even know they have it. The warts are harmless but you can remove them using ointments and cream. There is no cure …
Is HPV a bad virus or more of a common annoyance?
Well for women HPV can be very serious, because it can cause cervical cancer. But it also can be an annoyance for woman as well, because depending on what type of HPV, it can cause genital warts. Most males will never know if they have HPV,…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Is HPV a bad virus or more of a common annoyance?
Q: So I been talkin to this girl and the question came up about her past I asked her if she ever been tested she said she had HPV. So I looked it up and info isn’t too clear other than like 60% of women have it I donno, so does anyone know what it is and how contagious/serious it is?
A: Well for women HPV can be very serious, because it can cause cervical cancer. But it also can be an annoyance for woman as well, because depending on what type of HPV, it can cause genital warts.Most males will never know if they have HPV, depending on the type of virus males can get genital warts, and it becomes an annoyance. Other than being an annoyance it doesn’t cause any other problems known to date. The virus is a life long virus, and she will never get rid of it. If you get it, then you will have it for the rest of your life as well. Most sexually active adults have HPV and never know it. Most will live their lives and never have any type of problems with it. On the other hand, some will. I have HPV and I am a male. It is nothing but an annoyance for me.For the women that have needs to make sure they have a pap test every year to make sure that signs of cervical cancer hasn’t progressed. A woman can have HPV for 10-15 years and never have and signs of cervical cancer, but the virus is still there and it can still cause cancer.For some reason people think this virus goes away and it doesn’t. Some also think that it is herpes, and it’s not.If you are more interested in the womens side of the HPV you can check out it can go into further details.If you want more information about the males and HPV you can check out the Make sure you never have unprotected sex, even though you can still contract the virus, the chances can be slim. And if you have it now, you will never know unless you start getting genital warts.
Has anyone who has taken the Gardasil vaccine for HPV had any bad side effects?
Q: For anyone who doesn’t know, Gardasil is a new vaccine that can prevent certain types of HPV, especially genital herpes and cervical cancer. They are doing mass vaccinations here in Canada for young girls in school.
A: I have not had it, but if I was a young girl I would not get it, nor would I ever allow my daughters to get it. There is too much not know about side effects from Gardisil. It has been shown that not only does it not protect against most types of HPV, but it may CAUSE some kinds of cancers. There have been at least 10 women who have died from it, and yes I have heard it is quite painful. FYI, do you know that doctors get money from the drug makers when they give out this vaccine? Think long and hard and do your research. It is ultimately your decision, but you may not be “One Less”
Is it bad to have sex with your girlfriend in between HPV shots?
Q: My girlfriend is starting her HPV shots soon. Someone told me it was bad to have sex during this period. Is it true, and if so, what can happen if we do have sex?
A: If she has HPV then I wouldn’t but I don’t think that is bad. You should ask a doctor, he would know for sure.
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