Is HIV a man made disease

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Some scientists and others have theorized that AIDS is a man-made disease. These theories generally state that the disease (more) [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is HIV a man made disease
Is HIV/AIDS really not a man made disease?
Hello, you seem to be fairly well researched in this, however your logic is a bit flawed. The HIV virus doesn’t disable the hosts immune system, it simply infects the cells that compose the immune system. And from an evolutionary standpoint…
Is HIV/AIDS truly a “gay man’s” disease??
This disease was first recognized as a problem in the gay community, but nobody definitely knows where it all started, with who, or how. I think that it is extremely unfair and an obscene generalization to say that this is a “gay man’s…
Are we meeting the psychological needs of heterosexual men with H…?
This study set out to ascertain what proportion of HIV-positive heterosexual men cared for at a central London teaching hospital HIV medical unit, were referred to the Psychological Medicine Unit, and to compare those HIV-positive male hete…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Is HIV a Man Made disease, how did it just suddenly start out of nowhere in the 1950s and infect millions?
Q: scientists believe HIV is a virus that first transfered to humans in the 20th century in the 1950s in Congo. it then became an epidemic. A lot of cases are in Africa but millions of Asians also such as 5.4 million in India have aids as of today. If aids originated from Africa how did 5.4 million Indians get aids within so fast only from the 1950s because Indians do not even come in contact with Africans let alone havesex with them.scientists also believe it is impossible that HIV from all the white community as well as other races can be traced back to africans because there is so much. how did a virus out of nowhere arrive and infect millions so fast. why did it not come thousands of years ago when humans still existed and why now in the 20th century….. personally i believe it is man made and it spread by vaccines in Africa such as the polio … what are your opinions.Joe c please don’t be immature i don’t want homosexual comments on this question.SOMEBODY ACTUALLY EXPLAIN HOW 5.4 MILLION INDIANS GOT HIV.I think it could have been used to be tested as a chemical weapon in third world countries as well as AfricaI believe so far it is man made but i dont think there is a cure.sorry about your son.whotoblameyou gave a very ignorant answer.
A: I was discussing this with a teacher once. And here’s what they told me:That in that time period people stored medicines and such in animals such as apes. And when they got the medicine out,there was a disease [HIV] in the animal,and it would get into the medicine,which would be injected into the human. Therefore transferring the disease along to the human population.I can’t confer if that’s the correct origination of it,that’s just what I’ve heard from not only my teacher,but other people as well.
Is Aids/HIV a man-made disease???
Q: A friend told me this, and she said it was made during slavery days to kill off the black people. Is this really true, because I am shocked never heard this before seeing i am young, if its true… the fact that NO ONE can find a cure for something made by humans is bad. 😮
A: There are many theories about the origin of HIV, but many people in the scientific community believe it was transmitted from monkeys to humans. Anyway, when slavery was around no one knew how to make a disease. There are a lot of AIDS conspiracy theories out there though.
do you think hiv is a man-made disease?
Q: i just read an article about it, and i’m just wondering now if anyone else beleives this? i’m kinda iffy on this one, i don’t want to think that people would actually do this! whats wrong with our world?
A: Yes.I believe that many diseases originate with man who makes a chemical discovery then has to test it. Later the drug companies devise ways to capitalize on the profits in the name of medical advancement. I have heard stories of blankets with smallpox that were given to a certain group of people. Evil is in the heart of men.
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