If you have a yeast infection, can it delay you getting your period

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No, yeast infections are not known to delay periods. Keep using ChaCha. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/if-you-have-a-yeast-infection%2C-can-it-delay-you-getting-your-period ]
More Answers to “If you have a yeast infection, can it delay you getting your period
Can a yeast infection delay your period?
Normally, a yeast infection will not be the cause of a delay in your period. However, the same things that cause yeast infections, like stress, hormonal imbalances and changes in medication, are also known to cause delays in your period.
Can a yeast infection delay my period?
Ok, so know what you are going through and it is scary as…. Symptoms of pregnancy, which I am sure you have googled already – sore breasts, including sore nipples; bloating; crampy feeling (which is not cool – you hope it may be your peri…
Does having a yeast infection delay your period?
No, yeast infections don’t delay periods and it depends on how recent the vasectomy was done. If it has been some time then most likely no(but there are those rare cases). However, if you are real concerned then test. Most woman are under t…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Can a yeast infection delay my period?
Q: My period is a little over a week late and I was starting to worry. But then a few days ago I developed symptoms (Like pain during intercourse- itching… etc.) telling me I probably have a yeast infection. Now could my period be late because of this? And what should I get to treat it? Also I have no idea how much it will cost, how long it will take and if I can still sleep with my boyfriend…Any helpful answers will be much appreciated.
A: You shouldn’t have sex until it’s cleared up. I would go to the doctor to confirm it is a yeast infection (unless you’ve had them before and know the symptoms well), then you can buy remedies for it, or he/she may prescribe you something. They’re generally not that expensive.A yeast infection shouldn’t affect your period, it’s never affected mine. Your period is based on hormones.
Can a yeast infection make your period late.?
Q: I got a yeast infection about a week ago. I did the Monistat 1 treatment and it cleared up in a week like it was supposed to.(Sunday was a week). My period was supposed to come on Tuesday(I’ve had my period since the 5th grade so its pretty regular) and it still hasn’t. I’ve had really little cramps, and naseua and my breasts are really really sore. I’ve also had sugar cravings like crazy. Which is typically some of my PMS symptoms, but still no period. Did the yeast infection delay my period? Oh, I’ve also been really really moody lately, and I’ve been getting headaches a lot, which I don’t usually get with PMS. Can someone tell me whats going on? (Please don’t tell me to go to the doctor, I don’t have health insurance) Thanks.I’ve had sex recently too. =/
A: Have you had unprotected sex? Sounds like you could be pregnant. But it is only a day late, So I wouldn’t worry.Yeast infections shouldn’t cause your period to be late.edit* I would take a pregnancy test.
does a yeast infection and worrying too much delay a period?
Q: i got my period on agust 17, ended the 22nd, and i had some foreplay on the 24th…aftrer that i was really worried bcuz i was afraid that precum can get u pregnant, but i didnt have sex, just oral and so i started to worry alot, and a week later i got brown discharge with lil spots of blood, it went away aftre about 3 days. then a few days ago i had thick white discharge, resembeling cottage cheese, my doctor said it was a yeast infection….and i still havent gotton my period yet….anyone ever had this problem or know wat it might be??
A: Yes worrying and stress can cause you to miss a period. there are alot of different things that can cause you to miss a period. If you dont get it in the next few weeks then maybe I would take a test if there is any slight possibility that you may thin kyou are pregnant. I miss periods when I am stressed or if I have a bladder infection or yeast infection.
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