How to prevent getting swine flu

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “How to prevent getting swine flu”,you can compare them.

To prevent swine flu, wash your hands. Try to stay in good general health. Try not to touch surfaces that may have the virus. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How to prevent getting swine flu
Avoiding the Swine Flu Get Vaccinated for H1N1/09 As Soon As Available to You The first doses of vaccine are expected to be released in the US in mid October 2009. Immunization programs will be handled at the state government level and the …
Avoid close contact with people who are sick. Stay away from hospitals unless you’re having an emergency, as hospitals could be one of the likeliest places you could be exposed to swine virus. Avoid visiting crowded public area unless it’…
Avoid live pigs, eating pigs won’t get you sick, if the meat is cooked to 160 degrees. Avoid people who have pigs, or people who are sick. Wash your hands, avoid contact with people or pigs if you are sick. Keep your hands and fingers out o…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Other than vaccinations and washing hands, how can I prevent getting swine flu?
Q: I don’t expose myself to young children, I wash my hands daily, I drink lots of water, & I am usually very careful.How do I prevent getting swine flu another way?I might not qualify for vaccinations in my state.This is my 400th question!Also are there any medicines I can take?
A: Yeah I heard on the news too.Be careful with everything. Wash your hands after doing nearly everything. Try not to touch your face or pick your nose.If you get the urge, wash your hands before and after. Don’t worry about how much water you use, just be glad you are clean. I bet many stores will be selling lots of hand sanitizer and soap in the next few months.Avoid contact with children as much as you can. Cover up your sneezes with a handkerchief or sleeve. You could also hold in your sneezes. Cough on your sleeve like Gov. Perdue suggests. People are less likely to touch your arm than your palms. Stay away from polluted areas. Only breathe fresh air when outdoors. Ocean air is probably the healthiest of all so you would be safe here. Drink plenty of immunity fluids like OJ. Get more sleep at night so your body can be string enough to fight off any bad diseases that may come. I have a feeling you will be alright this season.I bet by next spring we will look back at this and laugh.
Does the Flu Vaccine prevent you from getting swine flu?
Q: If you got the flu vaccine does that prevent you from getting swine flu or not? Ive heard that the worst case scenario is that 2 million people will die in the USA, i don’t want to die, and i realize that there is no vaccine.
A: Nope.The “flu shot” is a mix of a handful of strains of influenza B. They change it every year and it’s more or less a guess by the infectious disease folks as to which ones they think will pop up that season.In any case the “swine flu” is influenza A [H1N1], so unfortunately you’ve got no extra protection.Wash those hands!
How to prevent getting swine flu?
Q: I live in a small town in Oklahoma and around here we don’t usually worry about stuff like the swine flu but you can never be too careful so what are things one can do to keep from getting it. By the way I have not had my flu shot and I do wash my hands and use Germ X alot so I don’t know if that would help or not. I heard it would and I heard it wouldn’t.
A: Things to do to help keep us from catching swine flu or any other kind of flu or colds for that matter. Wash your hands frequently. Use hand sanitizers when you can’t wash. If you don’t feel well stay home. That way if you do have the flu you won’t spread it. If someone around you is acting sick coughing and sneezing make sure you do not touch the person (I know impossible if that person is your child). If you do touch them wash, wash, wash. When washing your hands make sure you are washing for at least a full minute with warm water and soap.
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