How many years does it take to get lung cancer from smoking

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “How many years does it take to get lung cancer from smoking”,you can compare them.

There is no absolute number of year to develop ling cancer from smoking. Quitting now, however, greatly reduces your risk. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How many years does it take to get lung cancer from smoking
How many years of smoking will it take to get lung cancer??
It’s not based on the number of years you smoke but how your cells change. There are people who smoke their whole lives and never get cancer. There are others that never smoke or only smoke for a short time who do get it. The best thing for…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How long does it take to get lung cancer from smoking cigarettes?
Q: I’m 16 and have been smoking cigarettes for over a year. I have smoked half a pack at the most in one day. My dad died of cancer but it wasnt from heredity. I’m paranoid im going to get lung cancer.HELP
A: no set time, may be you wont get but if i were you i would quite now that short of time wont give it to you
How many years of smoking does it take to develop Lung Cancer ?
A: Well, Lung Cancer is never guaranteed, even if you are a smoker. Statistics show that only 15% of Lung Cancer cases are smokers, so that means that 1. There is a good chance that you will not get it, and 2. Smokers comprise a minority of Lung cancer cases.However, many smokers get pneumonectasis, or emphysema, which is also potentially Fatal.I would definitely try to quit, Because smoking does awful things to the body, and there are trace amounts of over 2,000 toxins in a cigarette and it’s smoke.
how many years of smoking will it take to get lung cancer?
Q: i’ve been smoking almost two years now and i fear i may have lung cancer.. is there any chance of it? or should i just not worry?
A: It’s not based on the number of years you smoke but how your cells change. There are people who smoke their whole lives and never get cancer. There are others that never smoke or only smoke for a short time who do get it. The best thing for you to do would be to quit…your chances of developing lung cancer drop dramatically just from quitting.
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